Feng Shui 101: Unlocking the Secrets of Harmonious Living

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career, struggling with relationships, or just feeling generally unfulfilled in your daily life? It might be time to look at the energy flow in your living space. Bring in the shui:  feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of creating harmony and balance between you and your environment.

But what exactly is feng shui and how does it work? Simply put, feng shui is your living vision board. It’s the art of arranging your living space in a way that promotes the flow of energy, or “chi,” to improve your well-being and bring good living. And no, you don’t have to be a master of martial arts or have a degree in interior design to achieve feng shui in your home. Feng Shui is not a religion; it’s actually based on science. The science in nature, energy & people.

The key principles of feng shui are based on the five elements: water, tree, fire, earth & metal. Each element represents a different aspect of life, such as movement & flow (water) growth & expansion (tree), passion & excitement (fire), support & grounding (earth), organization & structure (metal).  By incorporating these elements into your home, you can create a balance of energy that supports and nurtures the people who live there.

Wait!  Before you start rearranging all your furniture, let’s start with some easy & practical tips for incorporating feng shui into your daily life.

    1.Clear the clutter: You will immediately feel the shift in energy when you create a clear space by clearing the clutter. Clutter not only physically blocks the flow of energy, but it also creates mental clutter contributing to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Take some time to declutter your home, begin creating a sense of open space & tranquility. Begin with your silverware drawer! Just a few minutes begins to open up space.

    2.Bring in nature: Incorporating elements of nature, such as plants, flowers, and natural materials, can greatly improve the energy flow in your home. Not only do they add beauty and life to a space, but they also help to purify the air & inspire you to get moving!

   3. Use the power of color: Each color in feng shui represents a different aspect of life. For example, red represents passion and excitement, while blue represents calm and tranquility. By incorporating colors that align with your intentions and goals, you can create a sense of balance and harmony in your space.

   4. Give love to your front door: The front door is the “Mouth of Chi,” the way energy enters your home, the metaphor for opportunities coming your way, your ability to be found! Be sure the numbers on your house can be easily seen, the front door well-lit & welcoming.

 5. Create a peaceful bedroom: Your bedroom is a sanctuary for rest, rejuvenation & intimate activities. Are there any other people hanging out in your bedroom? Meaning photos of people other than you & your partner??? Think about it! Rest easily in the bedroom as you minimize electronic devices, clear under the bed & use colors that promote a feeling of calm and tranquility.

I know, you might be thinking, “That sounds great, but I live in a tiny apartment & I can’t really change the layout or decor.” While it’s true that some feng shui principles require a bit more flexibility in terms of space and decor, the beauty of feng shui is that it’s adaptable to any living situation. How about this – Create Fabulous Firsts! The first thing you see coming into your apartment, the first thing you see waking up in the morning, the first thing you see sitting in your favorite chair, this can change everything! “These Fabulous Firsts” apply to everyone.

There are basic principles in Feng Shui, each one has a purpose, a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner can help you create the harmonious environment that aligns with YOUR personal energy, values & goals. Feng Shui is not a cookie cutter practice. You are the defining factor in how the principles are put into place, based on your elemental nature, where you are and where you want to be. The Feng Shui Practitioner will analyze your home/office in relation to the correlating areas of your life, using the “Bagua” which is the map of your home indicating your life areas. Combining the “Bagua” map and your elemental nature and your desires, the recommendations are designed specifically for you.

The most important thing to remember when incorporating feng shui into your life is to have fun with it. Experiment and try different things to see what resonates with you and your space. Most important: listen to your intuition, that is how you create fabulous feng shui.

The goal of feng shui is to create a space that supports and nurtures the people who live in it, and it’s a powerful tool for creating balance and harmony in your life. So, why not give it a try and see how it can improve your well-being and bring good living into your life? Lois Kramer-Perez is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner. Ready to take the first step towards living your Fabulous Feng Shui? Schedule you FREE Discover Your Shui Call at www.CallWithLois.com . The moment you choose to set your date, you’ll be on your way to unlocking the secrets of feng shui, creating a space that supports and nurtures you to be the most Fabulous YOU!