Feng Shui Facts & Fantasy

Let’s begin with a description of Feng Shui:
“Feng Shui” translated from Chinese to English is “Wind Water” Wind is the energy you feel, water is the energy you see.

The Principles of Feng Shui create a harmonious relationship between the energy you see & the energy you feel. How did it begin? Feng Shui began in China thousands of years ago & has transcended cultures & time.
Early Feng Shui began with “form”, to site homes and graves. The principles of form are the foundation we use today. We also incorporate directions, colors, shapes, elements, objects, timing and YOU.

Feng Shui has basic principles that are followed, however; the most important piece of the puzzle is YOU, your relationship to your space, what is happening in your life now & where you want to go. Your personal feng shui will vary at different times in your life, the best Feng Shui is to be open to change.

Imagine your home as your living vision board: do you make “1 Vision Board” & keep it forever? I think not!

Many of you have read books, searched online, listened to podcasts, maybe taken a class. How much of what you heard/learned is based on fact or fantasy? I think some of what we hear is translated like playing telephone: it starts out as one thing and ends up something else, forgetting the reason for the statement in the first place. Everything in feng shui has a reason and a purpose.

Let’s explore some of my favorite feng shui facts and fantasies.

Don’t use the # 4!
I was shopping at IKEA, holding 4 bamboo stalks & a man came up to me emphatically stating:
“NO! That is bad luck Feng Shui!” He did not appear to be of Chinese descent. I am not either.
The Chinese word for death sounds like “4”, therefore someone whose native language is Chinese or is of Chinese culture, I understand the connection & I respect that.
The truth is, the Feng Shui significance for the number 4 is southeast, a “tree element” which is the area of our life connected with “Fortunate Blessings, Prosperity.” I chose to place 4 bamboo stalks in the southeast to nourish my fortunate blessings adding healthy tree element which in turn nourishes the “fire of the south, the life connection to “Reputation, Recognition & Passion.”

Keep the toilet lid closed or your money will go down the drain!
First & foremost, Feng Shui promotes safe & healthy living. I choose to close the lid when I flush to keep whatever is in there from flying up into the air! However: if you believe you are flushing your money down the drain, you will look for ways to prove it.
The truth is, bathrooms have a lot of water, water relates to wealth. So, when your pipes are leaking, it’s a metaphor for money going down the drain – pay attention to what you’ve neglected creating a bigger expense. Dripping faucets: money is slowly dripping away – do you still have outdated subscriptions on autopay?  Clogged drains? What is it you haven’t completed that’s stopping money from coming in.

My best advice is to keep your bathrooms neat, clean; pipes maintained & close the lid when you flush!
Adding fresh flowers or bamboo stalks in clear water promotes healthy chi.

Mirrors at the front door: good or bad?
Mirrors are great ways to enhance energy, Feng Shui principles use mirrors to reflect beauty, “double blessings” and expand spaces.
A mirror placed on a wall directly opposite the front door is not recommended. The reason is when you open the front door, the mirror reflects the energy and pushes it back out of the house.
The truth is, in Feng Shui the front door is know as the “Mouth of Chi.” (Chi = Energy) This indicates the front door is important for bringing in good health, wealth & opportunity.
Why would you want to send the “Chi” back out the door before it comes in!
A great use of a mirror at the front door is to create an expanse of space. If your front door opens into a foyer which has an open space on one side and a wall on the other side, place a mirror on the wall to balance the energy, creating a sense opening the space.
*I have so many other mirror conversations & recommendations: check out this fun class on demand: https://bit.ly/OnDemandFengShuiwLois

Sitting with your back to the door is bad Feng Shui.
Here is the truth behind this statement. Feng Shui principles recommend sitting with your back to a wall having a view of the door. We refer to this as the “Command Position.”
One reason not to sit with your back to the door is your central nervous system is on alert when your back is to a door or an opening, feeling unprotected. You may not realize how distracting this can be. It is more comfortable & productive to sit in the “Command Position.” In the “Command Position” you are available & can see all the  opportunities coming your way. Experiment for yourself.

Is Feng Shui a religion? 
Feng Sui is not a religion, it does have roots in Taoism, based on the belief in energy: everything has energy, creating the environment that supports your energy is the best Feng Shui of all!
Going back to the beginning thousands of years ago in China is where “Form Feng Shui” was created for siting homes to be in the ideal environment for safety & practicality.
There is a reason behind every Feng Shui principle. There are varied ways Feng Shui is practiced, there are some spiritual aspects for those of a spiritual nature. The beauty working with a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, they will recommend the best Feng Shui principles specifically for you.

Place a 3-legged frog at your front door to bring in the money.
This is a good example of using “icons” in Feng Shui. Everything you put in your space relates to your subconscious, this is how Feng Shui connects the meaning of the things we see to the things we feel. The story I like best about the 3-legged frog is something like this:

“A farmer was passing a well on his walk & heard a voice from the well saying “help me, help me.” He peered into the well & saw a frog at the bottom. He sent the pail down the well & brought the frog to safety, then he went on his way. This frog only had 3 legs which is why he couldn’t jump high enough to get out. The next morning the farmer woke up to find gold coins under his pillow. Every day for the rest of his life the gift of gratitude from the frog was a pile of gold coins.” My interpretation of this folk tale: give without expectation & you are rewarded more than you can imagine. This is the concept for Fortunate Blessings.

So – if every time you see your 3-legged frog you are reminded to be kind & generous without expectation & live in gratitude – go for it! However, if you think you can randomly place an object somewhere just because someone said so, don’t expect miracles!
The truth is: objects are only as powerful as your actions & behaviors inspired from them. Remember, everything we do in Feng Shui has a reason & a purpose.

Feng Shui offers wonderful opportunities to reflect on yourself, who you are, where you are, & where you want to go. Feng Shui recommendations specifically designed for you will help you create the life you love and deserve.
The most important part of this equation is you! Only you know how you feel, trust your inner knowing & be open to change. Ask questions, if it doesn’t make sense to you, ask more questions, still not making sense, do something different.

More Fun Feng Shui get Lois’ FREE E-Book https://bit.ly/LoisFreeEBook

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. Certified Feng Shui, NLP, Past Life Regression & Energy Clearing Practitioner.

Master Teacher https://www.consciousdesigninstitute.com/

A Catalyst to Inspire You To Seek and Create New Possibilities in YOUR Life. Feng Shui Your Space and
Your Soul, schedule your free discover your shui call www.callwithlois.com . lois@loiskramerperez.com

Feng Shui: The I Ching & The Book of Changes Where it All Began

Feng Shui, a practice that originated in China, is popular today worldwide. It’s an art of arranging your space to create harmony between you and the environment where you live & work. Few people know that the roots of Feng Shui can be traced back to an ancient Chinese divination system called the I Ching, also known as “The Book of Changes.” I love the connection the I Ching brings to everyday life. I use this method as morning inspiration read on to see how.

The I Ching has been in practice for more than three thousand years, one of the oldest and most respected texts in Chinese literature. It is believed to have been created during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCE) and was used primarily for divination purposes. The book contains 64 hexagrams, each comprising six lines, which are created to represent different states of the universe and the various forces of nature that shape our lives. The foundation is the relationship & interaction of the 5 Elements, Water, Tree (Wood), Fire, Earth & Metal with each other.
How the “Hexagrams” are formed creates a guidance in relation to the question asked.

Legend tells us the I Ching was created by “Fu Hsi” or “Fu Xi”, a mythical emperor said to have lived around 2800 BCE. Fu Hsi received the knowledge of the hexagrams through a series of visions, which he then recorded in the form of a book. I love the story how Fu Hsi saw the tortoise come out of the water with the numbers written on its shell. Later, during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE), the I Ching was further developed and expanded upon by the philosopher Confucius, who added commentaries and interpretations to the original text.

One of the key concepts in the I Ching is the idea of yin and yang, representing the opposing forces of the universe. Yin is associated with darkness, femininity, and passivity, while yang represents light, masculinity, and activity. The interaction between these two forces is believed to create balance and harmony in the universe.

Feng Shui, translated to English meaning “wind and water,” is based on the principles of the I Ching. It’s a practice of harmonizing the flow of energy, or “chi” in a space by arranging furniture, decor, and other elements in a specific way. Feng Shui is a great method to create a balanced, harmonious environment that supports the specific person, to create the life they desire, bringing the potential of good health, happiness & prosperity into the mix. Yes, the principles used are the foundation, however; the most important part of the equation is creating the specific recommendations for the person living or working in the space.

In Feng Shui, the I Ching is used as a tool for divination and guidance. Practitioners will consult the book for auspicious timing for an activity, potential of an action or undertaking. I Ching practice is not limited to Feng Shui, it is a great way for you to begin the day, simply by asking “What is important for me to learn from today.”  The Hexagrams are created by throwing a series of coins and creating the arrangement of the 6 lines. Hexagrams are interpreted in relation to the specific situation and can provide insight & guidance for the best way for you to proceed.

The best way to learn about the I Ching is to take a class where you can experience asking questions, throwing the coins, creating the hexagrams, referring to the various translations & interpretations. Join Lois Kramer-Perez, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner & Master Teacher for Conscious Design Institute, Sunday May 21 at 1 PM.

In this workshop, you will discover the background and history of the I Ching and learn how it connects with Feng Shui. You will also learn methods for asking questions and receive guidance from the I Ching. You will also explore the various translations & writings used for interpretation. And the best part? No previous experience with the I Ching or Feng Shui is required!

All you need to bring to the class are 3 quarters or 3 large coins of the same denomination You will receive a workbook via email prior to the class to prepare you for this fascinating journey.

So, mark your calendars for Sunday, May 21, at 1:00 PM at Hope Wellness, 2 Walnut St Hope, NJ. Register now https://bit.ly/ICHNGMay21HopeNJ  to secure your spot. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the ancient wisdom of the I Ching and discover the messages waiting for you! You will be glad that you did. Questions? Lois@LoisKramerPerez.com

Feng Shui 101: Unlocking the Secrets of Harmonious Living

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career, struggling with relationships, or just feeling generally unfulfilled in your daily life? It might be time to look at the energy flow in your living space. Bring in the shui:  feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of creating harmony and balance between you and your environment.

But what exactly is feng shui and how does it work? Simply put, feng shui is your living vision board. It’s the art of arranging your living space in a way that promotes the flow of energy, or “chi,” to improve your well-being and bring good living. And no, you don’t have to be a master of martial arts or have a degree in interior design to achieve feng shui in your home. Feng Shui is not a religion; it’s actually based on science. The science in nature, energy & people.

The key principles of feng shui are based on the five elements: water, tree, fire, earth & metal. Each element represents a different aspect of life, such as movement & flow (water) growth & expansion (tree), passion & excitement (fire), support & grounding (earth), organization & structure (metal).  By incorporating these elements into your home, you can create a balance of energy that supports and nurtures the people who live there.

Wait!  Before you start rearranging all your furniture, let’s start with some easy & practical tips for incorporating feng shui into your daily life.

    1.Clear the clutter: You will immediately feel the shift in energy when you create a clear space by clearing the clutter. Clutter not only physically blocks the flow of energy, but it also creates mental clutter contributing to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Take some time to declutter your home, begin creating a sense of open space & tranquility. Begin with your silverware drawer! Just a few minutes begins to open up space.

    2.Bring in nature: Incorporating elements of nature, such as plants, flowers, and natural materials, can greatly improve the energy flow in your home. Not only do they add beauty and life to a space, but they also help to purify the air & inspire you to get moving!

   3. Use the power of color: Each color in feng shui represents a different aspect of life. For example, red represents passion and excitement, while blue represents calm and tranquility. By incorporating colors that align with your intentions and goals, you can create a sense of balance and harmony in your space.

   4. Give love to your front door: The front door is the “Mouth of Chi,” the way energy enters your home, the metaphor for opportunities coming your way, your ability to be found! Be sure the numbers on your house can be easily seen, the front door well-lit & welcoming.

 5. Create a peaceful bedroom: Your bedroom is a sanctuary for rest, rejuvenation & intimate activities. Are there any other people hanging out in your bedroom? Meaning photos of people other than you & your partner??? Think about it! Rest easily in the bedroom as you minimize electronic devices, clear under the bed & use colors that promote a feeling of calm and tranquility.

I know, you might be thinking, “That sounds great, but I live in a tiny apartment & I can’t really change the layout or decor.” While it’s true that some feng shui principles require a bit more flexibility in terms of space and decor, the beauty of feng shui is that it’s adaptable to any living situation. How about this – Create Fabulous Firsts! The first thing you see coming into your apartment, the first thing you see waking up in the morning, the first thing you see sitting in your favorite chair, this can change everything! “These Fabulous Firsts” apply to everyone.

There are basic principles in Feng Shui, each one has a purpose, a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner can help you create the harmonious environment that aligns with YOUR personal energy, values & goals. Feng Shui is not a cookie cutter practice. You are the defining factor in how the principles are put into place, based on your elemental nature, where you are and where you want to be. The Feng Shui Practitioner will analyze your home/office in relation to the correlating areas of your life, using the “Bagua” which is the map of your home indicating your life areas. Combining the “Bagua” map and your elemental nature and your desires, the recommendations are designed specifically for you.

The most important thing to remember when incorporating feng shui into your life is to have fun with it. Experiment and try different things to see what resonates with you and your space. Most important: listen to your intuition, that is how you create fabulous feng shui.

The goal of feng shui is to create a space that supports and nurtures the people who live in it, and it’s a powerful tool for creating balance and harmony in your life. So, why not give it a try and see how it can improve your well-being and bring good living into your life? Lois Kramer-Perez is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner. Ready to take the first step towards living your Fabulous Feng Shui? Schedule you FREE Discover Your Shui Call at www.CallWithLois.com . The moment you choose to set your date, you’ll be on your way to unlocking the secrets of feng shui, creating a space that supports and nurtures you to be the most Fabulous YOU!

Heal Your Relationships, Begin with YOU

2023 the Water Rabbit inspires us to heal our relationships. Get started on the right foot, begin with healing the relationship with yourself. The relationship you have with yourself is how your relationships with others are created. You are inspired & ready to heal relationships in your life, first begin with you.

Practice self-compassion, how kind & understanding are you towards yourself, especially during challenging times. Recognizing mistakes and experiencing failure is part of our human experience, begin to treat yourself with the kindness and understanding that you would offer someone you care about.
Practicing self-compassion, you improve your relationship with yourself, you reduce feelings of self-judgment, self-criticism, and shame. Stop judging yourself & you will stop judging others.

Cultivate self-awareness, begin understanding your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Being self-aware, you will recognize patterns in your relationships & identify triggers causing adverse reactions. This is the first step for you to begin to “respond” rather than “react.”

You become conscious of your interactions and find yourself being present & considerate of the other person in the situation.

Cultivating self-awareness is a great way for you to get to know the real you.
Become the person you truly are rather than who you think you are supposed to be.

My favorite method of self-awareness is understanding my 5 Element Archetype.
5 Element Archetype System describes the interactions and relationships between the five elements: Water, Tree, Fire, Earth & Metal. Each element represents different personality qualities, behaviors, and emotions. By understanding the Five Element Archetypes, you gain insights into your own personality and the personality of others. This is a powerful tool which helps you to heal and strengthen your relationships, first by understanding & being yourself  “on purpose” & then by having the capacity to see & understand others.

Understanding the Elemental Archetypes helps you to understand different personality qualities, their strengths and weaknesses. For example, someone who embodies the Tree element may be action, goal-oriented and not too patient, while someone who embodies the Water element may be more introspective, sensitive & reflective. As you begin to understand these personality types, you can better communicate and relate to others in a way that resonates with their personality.

Identifying Communication Styles of the Five Element Archetype helps you to express yourself and communicate clearly. Example, someone who has the Fire element quality, may be passionate dramatic & expressive with a short attention span, while someone with the Metal element may be more reserved & analytical & empathic. By understanding these communication styles, you adapt your own communication style to better resonate with others, which can result in clear communications and understanding, ultimately creating connecting relationships.

You will also begin to understand the comfort zones. For instance, and Earth quality person is not comfortable with change & are also more comfortable giving than receiving.

I just heard “Where do I begin?”
Begin with you, being kind, compassionate, self-aware and step into being who you truly are. Be yourself on purpose.

Before you learn about the 5 Element Archetypes, start by paying attention. When you are in conversation with someone, listen, really listen, listen to how they are showing up, notice how they “hear” express and be.

Once you begin to understand who you are – you will be open to accept others who they are.
As you begin to realize that “it is not always about you” – you can see the people in your relationships as they are, understanding how to communicate for both of your greatest good!

Here is a fun way to get to know yourself & the people in your life learning all about the 5 Element Archetypes: On your time, On Demand Class: https://bit.ly/FengShuiforYourSoul.

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. Certified Feng Shui, NLP, Past Life Regression & Energy Clearing Practitioner. Master Teach https://www.consciousdesigninstitute.com/
A Catalyst to Inspire You To Seek and Create New Possibilities in YOUR Life. Feng Shui Your Space and Your Soul Visit www.loiskramerperez.com for your free gift.  201.906.5767 lois@loiskramerperez.com Want to know more? Schedule your FREE Discover Your Shui Call http://callwithlois.com

What’s The Moon Got To Do With It?

Feeling more emotional lately?
Maybe a bit shaken up?
Lots of chatter is going on about the Big Solar Eclipse New Moon on June 10.
How can you make the most of this, especially while in the midst of Mercury in Retrograde?
Hold on! Nothing to fear..  I have the solution for you.

Let’s begin with the understanding how when mercury goes retrograde you may be experiencing lots of detours and diversions.

Do you find a breakdown in communications, the ability to move forward effortlessly seems to be disrupted? Are you finding yourself drifting into thoughts of relationships or situations from the past? Are people showing up from your past or are you finally recognizing patterns in your life repeating?

Slow down, cultivate your patience and pay attention. The energy around you may find you distracted or disconnected from the present therefore a perfect storm for all kinds of mistakes, disruptions, and detours.

Mercury is retrograde May 29 – June 22…  Knowledge is power. Use this time to see opportunity – rather than disaster.

Now how does this New Moon Eclipse today add to the energy party?

Typically, on a new moon it is a time for manifesting, creating new beginnings and using our divination tools to answer our questions such as tarot cards, I Ching, pendulum, or your personal connection to going deeper with your intuition.

It’s a time we usually charge our crystals.. however: this New Moon Eclipse is unique.

The eclipse of this nature brings an opportunity for all humanity to explore the darkness beneath the surface and choose light.  This New Moon Eclipse brings the energy of communication and alignment for the benefit of all humanity through light and wisdom through the power of love.

You may be experiencing the unrest of the collective, the fear or anger around you.

This does not mean to squash your opinions or ideals, it means to use your power of expression through respect, calmness, and peaceful assertiveness.
This does not mean to stuff your feelings down – it is time to make peace with all your feelings and find healthy ways to use your energy for your greatest good.

Look at what is hiding in the shadows, beneath the surface. These feelings may be seeping out, disguised as frustration:
when you stub your toe or blowing up when you find dirty dishes on the counter.

Now is the time to choose to release those emotions and replace them with your ability to breathe in inner peace and calm.

This New Moon Eclipse during Mercury Retrograde may stir up feelings of inadequacy, confusion, misunderstandings, miscommunications and even feeling paranoid and operating on assumptions. It is wise to act cautiously, be clear, patient, honest and believe in yourself. This is not the time to act impulsively or make rash decisions.  There is a underlying support from this timing to offer courage and the confidence to see beyond the illusion in the darkness which is even more reason to avoid reckless behavior.

Choose the be what you want to see in this world and that is what you will see.


Ready for transformation? All that you need is right there before you. Remember Saturday Night Live skit where the “suave playboy” character would say something like “It is better to look good than to feel good”? Well as silly as it may sound, we can transform our inner essence by purposefully creating and aligning with our outer style.

What we wear affects how we show up in the world. For example, when we want to disappear, we dress to blend into the background which in turn pulls our energy inward, hence; we become invisible.
What if we want to change that decision?
What if we are tired of being invisible but are not comfortable stepping into the center of the spotlight, is there a happy medium?

We can turn to Mother Nature, my mentor – in all her divine wisdom she is always giving us guidance, all we need to do is look around. Feng Shui shows the 5 elements in Nature are speaking to us all the time, these elements in our physical environment are also in our person, a very important part of who we are, our inner voice of expression, the core of our inner essence. Let’s look at how we can tap into these elements to put some cha cha into our chi!

Are you ready to express your free spirit, embrace your flowing essence?
Do your best ideas come from your daydreams?
You are the spirit of Water.
Connect to your inner water with flowing style, handkerchief, asymmetrical and bias cut. Fluid and abstract, printed sheers flow over a solid base.
Colors of rich turquoise, aqua, blues and blackened jewel tones.
Movement is key here, restrictions do not apply!
Feel the flow of the patterns, the colors and style, allowing your creativity to flow with the ease of a stream meandering along a wavy path.
This reflective energy accents with shiny style, mirror palliates, beading and of course fringe to capture the movement and flow.
Allow you spirituality to rise.

Connect to the feeling we love when spring has sprung and we are surrounded by lush green and the blooming flowers!
We are optimistic, feeling renewed and refreshed after a long winter. We are feeling “sporty” “adventurous” ready to go go go.
This is the element of “Tree.”
Tree is the element that has a life of its own.
Colors of bright greens and florals reflect this springtime energy.
Vertical patterns, ribs, columnar and of course natural fibers.
Always practical, this element will choose the right athletic gear when going out on a hike, a run or to the gym. No skimping on style or performance, it must be right to ensure the best results!
Can’t seem to get moving, take a break and go outside, breathe in a fresh spring day and embrace this vibrant energy the Trees are offering!

Feeling a bit bored? Rigid? Serious?
Add a little “Fire” to your life!
Fire is transformational, the one element which takes the tree and creates ash to nourish the earth.
Fun, eclectic and dramatic style will soften up any serious mood. Douse yourself in the brilliance of reds, yellows, orange and fuchsias. Angular shapes, whimsical details, such as feathers, sequins, animal prints, whether separate or combined create fun with an unexpected eclectic statement.
Follow your curiosity, get inspired and tap into the passionate element of Fire.
Not too comfortable in full-fledged drama? A red accent (socks, tie, scarf) a fun spiky shoe or a dash of bright red lipstick, or even orange sneakers will do.

Need some comfort and grounding, connect to the energy of “Earth.”
Nurturing is the number 1 quality of earth, supporting us through life, creating a solid foundation on which we stand.
Earth is sturdy and strong yet comfy and cozy.
Whether your favorite sweater or yummy throw, everything feels better when wrapped in earthy comfort.
We feel safe and grounded embraced with the colors of terracotta, chocolate, ochre, khaki and warm sand.
Comfy and easy dressing, boxy shapes, traditional style and accents of plaids and checks, horizontal patterns and nubby textures support this earthy element.

Feeling scattered, out of control?
Metal is your element of choice.
Metal brings clarity precision and focus.
Clean and refined, less is more.
Elegance is key, from the sound of your voice to the simplicity of your style.
Silk, shimmer, polished and lux are the fabrics of choice as the “feel” is almost more important than the elegance of the style.
These clean refined lines breathe an essence of confidence and control.
The colors are monochromatic, whitened tints of color and of course the accents of diamond, pearl, platinum, gold, silver and refined metals.
Shapes are clean, linear and curved.

We have the ability to enhance or direct our energy to what is best for us on any given day. On a cloudy dark day we may choose to align with the watery element connecting to an inner energy of thinking, planning, writing – “inner doing” or light our fires with bright vibrant colors of fun and light, “shake it up to wake it up”! Find the expression of your inner essence which you resonate and wear it proudly for all the world to see as you shine from the inside out. Live Yo

Sunshine and the Rainy Day Jar

Its a beautiful day to capture the sunshine in my “rainy day jar”.  I don’t know about you, but when there are too many long grey days, I find my chi (energy) evaporating. I created this “rainy day jar” to lift my chi with laughter sunshine sparkle and all things that activate happy!

The sun has come out after many grey days, so I wanted to honor my inner light and charge up this jar with sunshine and crystal chi.

Today I added some sparkling faceted crystals and amazing amethyst

to my shells, gumby and rainbow troll.

I am reminded on this glorious sunny days to pay attention to all things which lift me.

As I find these things along the way, I add them to the jar to brighten my day.

Here is my guide to create your own “Rainy Day Jar”

Find a glass jar or bowl which you love. I have been scouring antique shops for crystal candy dishes.

Look around and see what you have that lifts you up:
Sea shells, sand, crystals, photos of people, places or things.
You can think of this as a “vision jar” by placing your dreams in the jar.
Cotton balls for fluffy clouds, cut out a smiling sun 
Words of Inspiration
Use your imagination.

Place the items in the jar, smiling and feeling the uplifting joy as you do.
Remember a story connected with each item as you touch it.
Experience your feelings with joy.

Place the jar where you can see it everyday, reminding you of the joy in your life.
Inspiring you to add more joy to the jar as you feel it.

Now that’s Fabulous Feng Shui!

I would love to hear your inspirations for your “Rainy Day Jar”


“Oy Vey Feng Shui! Namaste~What We Say”
This is one of my favorite greetings.
received this tile from my cousin Joyce on Thursday –
I love this definition:
“My Soul Honors Your Soul.”

 received this tile from my cousin Joyce on Thursday –
I love this definition:
“My Soul Honors Your Soul.”
  Another definition I love is ” The Light In Me Recognizes the Light In You.” I recently posted this on instagram and my fb last week so you may have seen my comments.
How timely to honor one another during the feast of gratitude, our recent Thanksgiving Celebration.
At our table, before we eat, we hold hands. Connected we are one.
We Gather.
Thank you Jason and Neil, with these tiles we commemorate our family.

So what’s with this “Oy Vey Feng Shui” you say?

Feng Shui is our first stop to program our feelings, our thoughts, our self talk. So let’s be proactive and set the stage.

I placed the “namaste” tile on my windowsill in the kitchen, I’ll see it every day, over and over again, feeling the light you shine for me to see, offering mine to you.
I placed the “gather”tile on my coffee table, reminding me how good it feels to “gather together.”

I already have this beauty on the wall in the kitchen next to my stove. I see it every day, over and over, and on those days I cook breakfast, even better.
As we surround ourselves with messages which directly correlate to feelings we desire, we then begin to create the world we wish to be.
This is one small step.
Take a look around, what do you see?
Create your fabulous firsts.
Create the world you want to feel.
Create the words you want to say.
Now that’s an Oy Vey Fabulous Feng Shui!

Can’t Stop Laughin” ~ Oh What A Feeling!

When was the last time you realized something so silly… you couldn’t stop laughing?

This happens quite a bit, however this last one is a doozy!
I loved it so much I placed it in my Rainy Day Jar… I added the word “Feat”
rainy day jar
Listening to lots of music on my recent road trip ~ I noticed  many artists are now collaborating together..
One group caught my attention as they seemed to appear with a variety of artists..
They showed up again while listening to Keith Urban “the Fighter.” Collaborating with Keith Urban was Feat and Kelly Clarkson..
Here they are again.. “Feat”! I asked my cousin.. who is this band “Feat” ?
They are turning up everywhere… with Sia and now Keith Urban!
I need to know who they are!
My cousin smiled and said.. “that is not a band, it means “featuring” it is Keith Urban “featuring” Kelly Clarkson!
Ha! How obvious! How did I not get that? Wow! I couldn’t stop laughing… and every time I think about it.. I laugh even more ! Oy! such a feeling! I love it…
Now that’s Fabulous Feng Shui Fire Energy!
Feng Shui Fire Energy is Fun ~ Fabulous and Dramatic… Which is why I was so struck by the silliness of my discovery.  We can use these connections to keep us flexible and open to experience the magic around us.
What is the most obvious thing you learned that made you laugh? that is still making you laugh? I’d love to hear it!
Which brings me to my pal Justin Timberlake singing!
Embrace the Feeling! Dance Dance Dance – Can You Feel The Fun Emerging!


Recognize Anyone? 5 Element Astrology Personality Discovery

I am fascinated with how complex we are yet how simple it can be. My Feng Shui studies opened a new door for me to understand myself and those around me. The 5 Elements in nature are the same elements in our space and in our person. Understanding and recognizing what makes us tick ~ makes all the difference. We can be ourselves with purpose and have the understanding to adapt as needed or desired.  Here a is glimpse into this world… Oh and yes.. these “Numbers” have significance…  5 Element Astrology ~ Uncover your true nature.

5 Element Personalities ~ Can You Find Yourself or Recognize Those in Your Life?

1 Water: Flowing, Quiet & Dormant as Winter. “Floating”.  Sensual, Wise & Resourceful. 

Willpower, Courage & Stubborn. Good negotiators, they are flexible & adaptable. Freedom is key, they rebel against structure, and prefer staying up late and sleeping in. Horizontal is their position, especially if it is in the Water!  Ease is their operating mode. Influenced by their emotions they may express “watery”.  Lovers of Art, Writing and Daydreaming.
Connect: Allow them to Process, Float and Be Creative – They Are Thinkers. 

3,4 Tree: Upward Moving Energy. The Burst of Spring! “Doing”. Active, Driven, Kind & Optimistic. Independent, Strong, Dynamic Energy. Practical yet Risk takers. Ideas, Ideas, Ideas! They can become impatient & pushy. Like thunder “3” blows & goes. Like a willow “4” is the wind, gently moving back & forth. Outdoors is where they want to be. Practicality is key-show me the study!
Connect: Allow them to be Physically Active – They Are Doers. 

9 Fire: Outward Peaking Energy of Summer. “Fun” Curious, Passionate, Charismatic & Self-Driven. Spontaneous, Adventurous & Inspiring. Fun is key, people are drawn to their funloving nature. They lose focus when they become scattered, attention everywhere; like the sparks of a flame. Be engaging to grab their attention.
Connect: Allow them to Express Themselves, Engage Their Curiosity – It Must Be Fun! 

2,5,8 Earth: Nurturing, Grounding, Settling In. “Nurturers”. Stable, Loyal and Supportive.  “2” will tend to nurture everyone. “5” will always be at the center of it all. “8” The tough exterior tender inside. Comfort is key. There is a tendency to worry, about everything.
Connect: Allow them to be your Supporters, your Caregivers. Safe and Cozy environment is their comfort zone. 

6,7 Metal: Inward Contracting Energy, Autumn, “Refined” Organized, Focused, Confident and Intuitive. An innate aesthetic appreciation for fine things, but not appreciative of criticism. “6” the Father, Authority Visionary. “7” the Youngest Daughter, Joy, Creativity.  Both are very sensitive in their unique ways and can be sensitive to the environment.
Connect: Allow them to have their personal space and have a voice in their surroundings-They Feel Everything. 

Questions? I am here to answer! contact me for your complimentary chat. Personal 5 Element Discovery Astrology Sessions Available  https://loiskramerperez.com