
“20 Years of Illumination Beginning 2024”

You still have time to create a magnificent 2024. Start with lessons from Feng Shui, tapping into the wisdom following the Chinese astrology calendar. There are 2 dates of significance. First, the energy of the year changes on 2/4, “Early Spring.” In addition to the energy of the “Wood Dragon” we are beginning a new 20 year Feng Shui cycle.

First let’s examine the qualities of the “Wood Dragon” to understand the influence & potential he brings. Dragons are confident, smart enterprising strong leaders with a wicked sense of humor. They can be egotistical & eccentric, demanding the same high standards from others that they hold for themselves. The “Wood Dragon of 2024” is even more adventurous & thrives on action ready to explore new ideas. The energy of this “wood dragon” is the *fuel for the beginning of the new 20 year “9 Fire” feng shui cycle. (*Wood Feeds Fire). The influence of this wood dragon offers the potential for success & growth by acting on new ideas.

As we end 20 years of “8 Mountain” earth energy, reflect on how this influenced you to enhance your personal growth through education for your mind body & soul. There was great attention focused on sustainability & environmental issues. This new 20-year feng shui cycle brings the fire element. The quality of fire shines a light for all to be revealed. Fire ignites passion, enlightenment, transformation & fun. As the light shines of the fire shines bright there are lots of opportunities for recognition and enhancing your reputation. Fire is spontaneous, let go of holding on to unnecessary feelings & “stuff” to enjoy the “fun” in all that you do. If you are ready for a transformation in your life, this is the year to make it happen. The Wood Dragon brings fuel to ignite this powerful fire energy. You may find this energy moving fast, attracting you to excitement & ready to explore new things. Fire ignites passion: when passion moves to extreme situations can become dramatic & aggressive. And remember, with all this fire light many things will be revealed, no more hiding in the shadows! Stay in integrity & you will benefit greatly.

Next: “Chinese Lunar New Year” fluctuates depending on the cycles of the lunar calendar, this year we celebrate on 2/10 with fun traditions for a healthy, happy prosperous 2024.
The places you spend the most time are “living vision boards,” home, office & even your car.
For a full list of tips for Chinese New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day:

Get the full scoop for 9 Fire Period & Wood Dragon join my online class at 11 AM on 1/20/2024.
Register Questions? Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. A Catalyst to Inspire You To Seek and Create New Possibilities in YOUR Life. Feng Shui Your Space and Your Soul Visit for your free gift. 201.906.5767

Chinese Lunar New Year 2024

Get Into the Spirit! Tips to Make it Feng Shui Fabulous

Prior to Chinese New Year’s Day: By the New Moon on February 9, 2024 Chinese New Year’s Eve

  1. Clear out and de-clutter making room for new opportunities coming your way. A drawer, a shelf, a room, your wallet/purse, every little bit makes room for a lot more. This includes cleaning up any debt or finishing projects. Do not lend money NY Eve or NY Day.
  1. Clean to prepare for a fresh start. Through clear windows with all the light bulbs working, all opportunity and wisdom is clear for you to “see.” Your beauty is reflected in your mirrors. Check out your front door entrance, wash the door, make it inviting – it’s time for a new welcome mat!
  2. Stock the fridge & cupboards with an abundance of fresh nutritious foods. Having enough for leftovers after New Year’s Day assures us abundance all throughout the New Year. A festive colorful fruit bowl connects our intention to abundance as oranges & tangerines represent money & prosperity; apples symbolize good health & safety; pineapples symbolize recognition & promotion. Grapes symbolize success and abundance. Be sure to feast on noodles; uncut they represent long life. Gather your friends & family for a celebratory dinner.
  1. Live blooming flowers represent rebirth, new growth, new beginnings. Fortunate plants include: Plum Blossoms, Bamboo, Evergreen Pine, Pussy Willow, Peony and Azalea.
  2. Your appearance, actions and attitudes set the tone for the New Year. Prepare to strut your stuff ~ indulge in a manicure, pedicure, massage, new hair style; any activity to set your intention for the year to come. Prepare your wealth vase as part of your intention to prosper.

On New Year’s Day February 10, 2024

  1. The first words you speak should be sweet and filled with love to ensure each day will be such. No crying or reprimanding children. Do not speak of the past, death, or use negative language.
  2. The first thing you eat should be sweet, to ensure you will have only sweetness filling up all days of the New Year. My favorite is mandarin oranges. Use the orange peels for a special blessing. Email me for the details.
  3. Wear new clothes; include something red, whether it is seen or unseen – it is still auspicious! Don’t wash your hair on New Year’s Day as it is said you will wash your luck away.
  4. As all the preparation has been completed, there are no chores to be done on New Year’s Day to ensure you will not be burdened with hard work this year. you will prosper smooth and easy.
    Laugh, Celebrate, and Enjoy the Day!

~ “Gung Hey Fat Choy” ~

“Wishing You Prosperity & Wealth” or “May Your New Year Be Fortunate”

~My Favorite Wish for All ~

“Wan Shi Ru Yi” “May Everything Go As You Wish, May Everything Go Smoothly”


Gratitude in the Face of Frustration, by Lois Kramer-Perez, C.Ht.

Here we are in the month of November, a time of harvest, sharing & gratitude.

As I look around enjoying the shift in seasons, taking in the magic of autumn here in the northeast, just when I thought I had seen it all,
pow – here comes something else.
We are constantly finding chaos around us, some minor, some major, some chaos is part of our doing & some is out of our control.
How often do you find yourself frustrated, annoyed or even angry at the state of the world?
How can you feel gratitude in the face of so much unrest?

In the best of times there will always be something triggering our emotions.

Here are some things to remember:
You are only responsible for you. You do not have the “power” to “fix” anyone.
You do have the power to take care of yourself, to become grounded, to find your peace & your gratitude. You deserve this and more.
You do have the power to be compassionate, kind, and caring: first to yourself, then your capacity to be for others is greatly enhanced.

How to get started? How to get out of all the noise?
Begin with you.
Find a quiet place, sit comfortably and be with yourself, take this time to “notice.”
Focus on the moment, find 3 things you are grateful for right now & experience the feeling.
Example: I am grateful to sit here comfortably. I am grateful to see the sunshine/moonlight/clouds/raindrops. I am grateful I can feel this gratitude and peace within me.

The world is filled with peace, chaos, gratitude, resentment, joy, sadness, hope & despair. It can be challenging to not get swept away in all these emotions.

Everyday life can pull you in all directions. The more you can manage daily life, the stronger your foundation of grounding becomes. You have a greater capacity to feel gratitude & be compassionate when you are grounded.
You will be surprised how one small thing can make a difference.

This is what happened recently happened to me.

I got in my car to go to a workshop at a place I have never been, with people I had not yet met.
As I began to drive, I noticed something smelled! Sniff sniff, is it me? Do I have body odor?
This is bad. I look down in the cup holder & I see remnants of onion salsa – Oy! My boyfriend drove my car yesterday – this is what he leaves me? Now I am fuming! I am going to stink & bring this stink into a new place, meeting new people – how horrifying!

Then it hit me, I must be in a “Seinfeld episode.” There was an episode of the show “Seinfeld” where the parking attendant contaminated ‘Jerry’s car” with a pungent odor. Everyone who drove or rode in his car came out smelling! I started to laugh silly – I must be “Elaine”.  By the time I reached my destination, I was feeling wonderful, grateful to enjoy the day, rather than show up in a fowl angry mood.  Feeling grateful I didn’t bring the “stink” into the room with me. Feeling grateful to enjoy a wonderful workshop, learning new things, meeting new people.

This could have gone another way; I could have continued to get angry at a situation I had no control over. A minor event could have distracted me to a point where I was more concerned about “me” rather than grateful for this enjoyable opportunity.  Has something like this ever happened to you?  I am sure it has.

Learning to do the best you can in any situation can change the dynamic of the outcome.

Your biggest influence on others is much more than the words you say, it is how you are “being”.
How do you want to influence those around you? Be grateful for where you are, what you have, who you “be.” You will find it all coming back to you in abundance!

Experience the energy of gratitude with Lois, Thursday Mornings: Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. Certified Feng Shui, NLP, Past Life Regression & Energy Clearing Practitioner. Master Teacher

A Catalyst to Inspire You To Seek and Create New Possibilities in YOUR Life. Feng Shui Your Space &Your Soul,
Schedule your free discover your shui call .

Feng Shui Facts & Fantasy

Let’s begin with a description of Feng Shui:
“Feng Shui” translated from Chinese to English is “Wind Water” Wind is the energy you feel, water is the energy you see.

The Principles of Feng Shui create a harmonious relationship between the energy you see & the energy you feel. How did it begin? Feng Shui began in China thousands of years ago & has transcended cultures & time.
Early Feng Shui began with “form”, to site homes and graves. The principles of form are the foundation we use today. We also incorporate directions, colors, shapes, elements, objects, timing and YOU.

Feng Shui has basic principles that are followed, however; the most important piece of the puzzle is YOU, your relationship to your space, what is happening in your life now & where you want to go. Your personal feng shui will vary at different times in your life, the best Feng Shui is to be open to change.

Imagine your home as your living vision board: do you make “1 Vision Board” & keep it forever? I think not!

Many of you have read books, searched online, listened to podcasts, maybe taken a class. How much of what you heard/learned is based on fact or fantasy? I think some of what we hear is translated like playing telephone: it starts out as one thing and ends up something else, forgetting the reason for the statement in the first place. Everything in feng shui has a reason and a purpose.

Let’s explore some of my favorite feng shui facts and fantasies.

Don’t use the # 4!
I was shopping at IKEA, holding 4 bamboo stalks & a man came up to me emphatically stating:
“NO! That is bad luck Feng Shui!” He did not appear to be of Chinese descent. I am not either.
The Chinese word for death sounds like “4”, therefore someone whose native language is Chinese or is of Chinese culture, I understand the connection & I respect that.
The truth is, the Feng Shui significance for the number 4 is southeast, a “tree element” which is the area of our life connected with “Fortunate Blessings, Prosperity.” I chose to place 4 bamboo stalks in the southeast to nourish my fortunate blessings adding healthy tree element which in turn nourishes the “fire of the south, the life connection to “Reputation, Recognition & Passion.”

Keep the toilet lid closed or your money will go down the drain!
First & foremost, Feng Shui promotes safe & healthy living. I choose to close the lid when I flush to keep whatever is in there from flying up into the air! However: if you believe you are flushing your money down the drain, you will look for ways to prove it.
The truth is, bathrooms have a lot of water, water relates to wealth. So, when your pipes are leaking, it’s a metaphor for money going down the drain – pay attention to what you’ve neglected creating a bigger expense. Dripping faucets: money is slowly dripping away – do you still have outdated subscriptions on autopay?  Clogged drains? What is it you haven’t completed that’s stopping money from coming in.

My best advice is to keep your bathrooms neat, clean; pipes maintained & close the lid when you flush!
Adding fresh flowers or bamboo stalks in clear water promotes healthy chi.

Mirrors at the front door: good or bad?
Mirrors are great ways to enhance energy, Feng Shui principles use mirrors to reflect beauty, “double blessings” and expand spaces.
A mirror placed on a wall directly opposite the front door is not recommended. The reason is when you open the front door, the mirror reflects the energy and pushes it back out of the house.
The truth is, in Feng Shui the front door is know as the “Mouth of Chi.” (Chi = Energy) This indicates the front door is important for bringing in good health, wealth & opportunity.
Why would you want to send the “Chi” back out the door before it comes in!
A great use of a mirror at the front door is to create an expanse of space. If your front door opens into a foyer which has an open space on one side and a wall on the other side, place a mirror on the wall to balance the energy, creating a sense opening the space.
*I have so many other mirror conversations & recommendations: check out this fun class on demand:

Sitting with your back to the door is bad Feng Shui.
Here is the truth behind this statement. Feng Shui principles recommend sitting with your back to a wall having a view of the door. We refer to this as the “Command Position.”
One reason not to sit with your back to the door is your central nervous system is on alert when your back is to a door or an opening, feeling unprotected. You may not realize how distracting this can be. It is more comfortable & productive to sit in the “Command Position.” In the “Command Position” you are available & can see all the  opportunities coming your way. Experiment for yourself.

Is Feng Shui a religion? 
Feng Sui is not a religion, it does have roots in Taoism, based on the belief in energy: everything has energy, creating the environment that supports your energy is the best Feng Shui of all!
Going back to the beginning thousands of years ago in China is where “Form Feng Shui” was created for siting homes to be in the ideal environment for safety & practicality.
There is a reason behind every Feng Shui principle. There are varied ways Feng Shui is practiced, there are some spiritual aspects for those of a spiritual nature. The beauty working with a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, they will recommend the best Feng Shui principles specifically for you.

Place a 3-legged frog at your front door to bring in the money.
This is a good example of using “icons” in Feng Shui. Everything you put in your space relates to your subconscious, this is how Feng Shui connects the meaning of the things we see to the things we feel. The story I like best about the 3-legged frog is something like this:

“A farmer was passing a well on his walk & heard a voice from the well saying “help me, help me.” He peered into the well & saw a frog at the bottom. He sent the pail down the well & brought the frog to safety, then he went on his way. This frog only had 3 legs which is why he couldn’t jump high enough to get out. The next morning the farmer woke up to find gold coins under his pillow. Every day for the rest of his life the gift of gratitude from the frog was a pile of gold coins.” My interpretation of this folk tale: give without expectation & you are rewarded more than you can imagine. This is the concept for Fortunate Blessings.

So – if every time you see your 3-legged frog you are reminded to be kind & generous without expectation & live in gratitude – go for it! However, if you think you can randomly place an object somewhere just because someone said so, don’t expect miracles!
The truth is: objects are only as powerful as your actions & behaviors inspired from them. Remember, everything we do in Feng Shui has a reason & a purpose.

Feng Shui offers wonderful opportunities to reflect on yourself, who you are, where you are, & where you want to go. Feng Shui recommendations specifically designed for you will help you create the life you love and deserve.
The most important part of this equation is you! Only you know how you feel, trust your inner knowing & be open to change. Ask questions, if it doesn’t make sense to you, ask more questions, still not making sense, do something different.

More Fun Feng Shui get Lois’ FREE E-Book

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. Certified Feng Shui, NLP, Past Life Regression & Energy Clearing Practitioner.

Master Teacher

A Catalyst to Inspire You To Seek and Create New Possibilities in YOUR Life. Feng Shui Your Space and
Your Soul, schedule your free discover your shui call .

Feng Shui: The I Ching & The Book of Changes Where it All Began

Feng Shui, a practice that originated in China, is popular today worldwide. It’s an art of arranging your space to create harmony between you and the environment where you live & work. Few people know that the roots of Feng Shui can be traced back to an ancient Chinese divination system called the I Ching, also known as “The Book of Changes.” I love the connection the I Ching brings to everyday life. I use this method as morning inspiration read on to see how.

The I Ching has been in practice for more than three thousand years, one of the oldest and most respected texts in Chinese literature. It is believed to have been created during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCE) and was used primarily for divination purposes. The book contains 64 hexagrams, each comprising six lines, which are created to represent different states of the universe and the various forces of nature that shape our lives. The foundation is the relationship & interaction of the 5 Elements, Water, Tree (Wood), Fire, Earth & Metal with each other.
How the “Hexagrams” are formed creates a guidance in relation to the question asked.

Legend tells us the I Ching was created by “Fu Hsi” or “Fu Xi”, a mythical emperor said to have lived around 2800 BCE. Fu Hsi received the knowledge of the hexagrams through a series of visions, which he then recorded in the form of a book. I love the story how Fu Hsi saw the tortoise come out of the water with the numbers written on its shell. Later, during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE), the I Ching was further developed and expanded upon by the philosopher Confucius, who added commentaries and interpretations to the original text.

One of the key concepts in the I Ching is the idea of yin and yang, representing the opposing forces of the universe. Yin is associated with darkness, femininity, and passivity, while yang represents light, masculinity, and activity. The interaction between these two forces is believed to create balance and harmony in the universe.

Feng Shui, translated to English meaning “wind and water,” is based on the principles of the I Ching. It’s a practice of harmonizing the flow of energy, or “chi” in a space by arranging furniture, decor, and other elements in a specific way. Feng Shui is a great method to create a balanced, harmonious environment that supports the specific person, to create the life they desire, bringing the potential of good health, happiness & prosperity into the mix. Yes, the principles used are the foundation, however; the most important part of the equation is creating the specific recommendations for the person living or working in the space.

In Feng Shui, the I Ching is used as a tool for divination and guidance. Practitioners will consult the book for auspicious timing for an activity, potential of an action or undertaking. I Ching practice is not limited to Feng Shui, it is a great way for you to begin the day, simply by asking “What is important for me to learn from today.”  The Hexagrams are created by throwing a series of coins and creating the arrangement of the 6 lines. Hexagrams are interpreted in relation to the specific situation and can provide insight & guidance for the best way for you to proceed.

The best way to learn about the I Ching is to take a class where you can experience asking questions, throwing the coins, creating the hexagrams, referring to the various translations & interpretations. Join Lois Kramer-Perez, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner & Master Teacher for Conscious Design Institute, Sunday May 21 at 1 PM.

In this workshop, you will discover the background and history of the I Ching and learn how it connects with Feng Shui. You will also learn methods for asking questions and receive guidance from the I Ching. You will also explore the various translations & writings used for interpretation. And the best part? No previous experience with the I Ching or Feng Shui is required!

All you need to bring to the class are 3 quarters or 3 large coins of the same denomination You will receive a workbook via email prior to the class to prepare you for this fascinating journey.

So, mark your calendars for Sunday, May 21, at 1:00 PM at Hope Wellness, 2 Walnut St Hope, NJ. Register now  to secure your spot. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the ancient wisdom of the I Ching and discover the messages waiting for you! You will be glad that you did. Questions?

Feng Shui 101: Unlocking the Secrets of Harmonious Living

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career, struggling with relationships, or just feeling generally unfulfilled in your daily life? It might be time to look at the energy flow in your living space. Bring in the shui:  feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of creating harmony and balance between you and your environment.

But what exactly is feng shui and how does it work? Simply put, feng shui is your living vision board. It’s the art of arranging your living space in a way that promotes the flow of energy, or “chi,” to improve your well-being and bring good living. And no, you don’t have to be a master of martial arts or have a degree in interior design to achieve feng shui in your home. Feng Shui is not a religion; it’s actually based on science. The science in nature, energy & people.

The key principles of feng shui are based on the five elements: water, tree, fire, earth & metal. Each element represents a different aspect of life, such as movement & flow (water) growth & expansion (tree), passion & excitement (fire), support & grounding (earth), organization & structure (metal).  By incorporating these elements into your home, you can create a balance of energy that supports and nurtures the people who live there.

Wait!  Before you start rearranging all your furniture, let’s start with some easy & practical tips for incorporating feng shui into your daily life.

    1.Clear the clutter: You will immediately feel the shift in energy when you create a clear space by clearing the clutter. Clutter not only physically blocks the flow of energy, but it also creates mental clutter contributing to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Take some time to declutter your home, begin creating a sense of open space & tranquility. Begin with your silverware drawer! Just a few minutes begins to open up space.

    2.Bring in nature: Incorporating elements of nature, such as plants, flowers, and natural materials, can greatly improve the energy flow in your home. Not only do they add beauty and life to a space, but they also help to purify the air & inspire you to get moving!

   3. Use the power of color: Each color in feng shui represents a different aspect of life. For example, red represents passion and excitement, while blue represents calm and tranquility. By incorporating colors that align with your intentions and goals, you can create a sense of balance and harmony in your space.

   4. Give love to your front door: The front door is the “Mouth of Chi,” the way energy enters your home, the metaphor for opportunities coming your way, your ability to be found! Be sure the numbers on your house can be easily seen, the front door well-lit & welcoming.

 5. Create a peaceful bedroom: Your bedroom is a sanctuary for rest, rejuvenation & intimate activities. Are there any other people hanging out in your bedroom? Meaning photos of people other than you & your partner??? Think about it! Rest easily in the bedroom as you minimize electronic devices, clear under the bed & use colors that promote a feeling of calm and tranquility.

I know, you might be thinking, “That sounds great, but I live in a tiny apartment & I can’t really change the layout or decor.” While it’s true that some feng shui principles require a bit more flexibility in terms of space and decor, the beauty of feng shui is that it’s adaptable to any living situation. How about this – Create Fabulous Firsts! The first thing you see coming into your apartment, the first thing you see waking up in the morning, the first thing you see sitting in your favorite chair, this can change everything! “These Fabulous Firsts” apply to everyone.

There are basic principles in Feng Shui, each one has a purpose, a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner can help you create the harmonious environment that aligns with YOUR personal energy, values & goals. Feng Shui is not a cookie cutter practice. You are the defining factor in how the principles are put into place, based on your elemental nature, where you are and where you want to be. The Feng Shui Practitioner will analyze your home/office in relation to the correlating areas of your life, using the “Bagua” which is the map of your home indicating your life areas. Combining the “Bagua” map and your elemental nature and your desires, the recommendations are designed specifically for you.

The most important thing to remember when incorporating feng shui into your life is to have fun with it. Experiment and try different things to see what resonates with you and your space. Most important: listen to your intuition, that is how you create fabulous feng shui.

The goal of feng shui is to create a space that supports and nurtures the people who live in it, and it’s a powerful tool for creating balance and harmony in your life. So, why not give it a try and see how it can improve your well-being and bring good living into your life? Lois Kramer-Perez is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner. Ready to take the first step towards living your Fabulous Feng Shui? Schedule you FREE Discover Your Shui Call at . The moment you choose to set your date, you’ll be on your way to unlocking the secrets of feng shui, creating a space that supports and nurtures you to be the most Fabulous YOU!

Heal Your Relationships, Begin with YOU

2023 the Water Rabbit inspires us to heal our relationships. Get started on the right foot, begin with healing the relationship with yourself. The relationship you have with yourself is how your relationships with others are created. You are inspired & ready to heal relationships in your life, first begin with you.

Practice self-compassion, how kind & understanding are you towards yourself, especially during challenging times. Recognizing mistakes and experiencing failure is part of our human experience, begin to treat yourself with the kindness and understanding that you would offer someone you care about.
Practicing self-compassion, you improve your relationship with yourself, you reduce feelings of self-judgment, self-criticism, and shame. Stop judging yourself & you will stop judging others.

Cultivate self-awareness, begin understanding your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Being self-aware, you will recognize patterns in your relationships & identify triggers causing adverse reactions. This is the first step for you to begin to “respond” rather than “react.”

You become conscious of your interactions and find yourself being present & considerate of the other person in the situation.

Cultivating self-awareness is a great way for you to get to know the real you.
Become the person you truly are rather than who you think you are supposed to be.

My favorite method of self-awareness is understanding my 5 Element Archetype.
5 Element Archetype System describes the interactions and relationships between the five elements: Water, Tree, Fire, Earth & Metal. Each element represents different personality qualities, behaviors, and emotions. By understanding the Five Element Archetypes, you gain insights into your own personality and the personality of others. This is a powerful tool which helps you to heal and strengthen your relationships, first by understanding & being yourself  “on purpose” & then by having the capacity to see & understand others.

Understanding the Elemental Archetypes helps you to understand different personality qualities, their strengths and weaknesses. For example, someone who embodies the Tree element may be action, goal-oriented and not too patient, while someone who embodies the Water element may be more introspective, sensitive & reflective. As you begin to understand these personality types, you can better communicate and relate to others in a way that resonates with their personality.

Identifying Communication Styles of the Five Element Archetype helps you to express yourself and communicate clearly. Example, someone who has the Fire element quality, may be passionate dramatic & expressive with a short attention span, while someone with the Metal element may be more reserved & analytical & empathic. By understanding these communication styles, you adapt your own communication style to better resonate with others, which can result in clear communications and understanding, ultimately creating connecting relationships.

You will also begin to understand the comfort zones. For instance, and Earth quality person is not comfortable with change & are also more comfortable giving than receiving.

I just heard “Where do I begin?”
Begin with you, being kind, compassionate, self-aware and step into being who you truly are. Be yourself on purpose.

Before you learn about the 5 Element Archetypes, start by paying attention. When you are in conversation with someone, listen, really listen, listen to how they are showing up, notice how they “hear” express and be.

Once you begin to understand who you are – you will be open to accept others who they are.
As you begin to realize that “it is not always about you” – you can see the people in your relationships as they are, understanding how to communicate for both of your greatest good!

Here is a fun way to get to know yourself & the people in your life learning all about the 5 Element Archetypes: On your time, On Demand Class:

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. Certified Feng Shui, NLP, Past Life Regression & Energy Clearing Practitioner. Master Teach
A Catalyst to Inspire You To Seek and Create New Possibilities in YOUR Life. Feng Shui Your Space and Your Soul Visit for your free gift.  201.906.5767 Want to know more? Schedule your FREE Discover Your Shui Call

raising your levels of consciousness

Navigating The Stages Consciousness by Lois Kramer-Perez, C.Ht.

I’m so used to taking my shoes off when I come into the house that one day, wearing my slippers, I went outside to check the mail and then I took my slippers off before I came inside, as if I was wearing shoes! It seemed funny that I was so imprinted with the action: enter house – shoes come off. This was so ingrained in how I did things without even thinking about it, that it brought to mind how many things do we do automatically?  How many times do we respond to others automatically without being aware of what we are saying?

When I began this journey, I began noticing how people would acknowledge each other walking through a hallway. I worked in a corporate setting, there were always people passing each other the hallways throughout the day, greeting each other with “Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you?” People would say “Hi, how are you?”, and the response would be: “Hi how are you?”
No one paused to say “Great!” or “Eh!”, The automatic response conversation was: “Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you?”

And I am sure you have experienced this:  stuff happens, and we automatically growl “GRRRRrrr!” or say: “I’m so stupid!”, “ugh! I can’t believe this” or old phrases that we have that are outdated.

This happens. And then there are the times that your routine is disrupted! Every day you get in your car, turn left and get onto Rt 17 North. Then one day, you realize, after you have been driving on Rt 17 North for a minute – yikes –how did I get here – I am going somewhere else today!

It’s as if you were in a trance.

Once you “wake-up” you realize, some of these patterns are keeping you from being present. When you notice you have done something unconsciously, that is the time to begin your shift. This happens in stages.
You become conscious of something and don’t do anything about it.
The next time you notice, you’re a little more aware.

Finally, you think about doing something and choose to do it differently.
Now you are creating a new pattern to be more present.
Your path to consciousness happens in stages.

My “Pal Al” Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.

You are always in a place where you are supposed to be. When you are ready for awareness it comes up to bite you to catch your attention.

Here is a simple way to look at the concept of consciousness.

1.” Unconsciously Incompetent”, you don’t know what you don’t know. Ignorance.
Example: You are a child, and for the first time you see people driving cars. Wow! Look at that! Something I have never seen before.

  1. Consciously Incompetent”: You are aware of something you want to know, something you want to change. Desire.
    Example: You are older, and you are curious, you are aware that you do not know how to drive a car.
  2. Consciously Competent”: You are taking conscious actions to change your state. Example: You are 16 years old and can get your drivers permit. You take driving lessons. Each time you get in the car, you take time to get acclimated, put on your seat belt, start the engine, focus on placing your hands on the wheel, check the mirrors, take a deep breath, and begin to drive. Each action is thoughtful.
  3. 4. “Unconsciously Competent”: You Just Know! It Becomes Second Nature. Knowing. Example: You get in the car and drive.

These are the four stages of becoming aware.
This is happening all the time. It is how we navigate through everything.

We all have our own, unique timetable for our journey and wherever we are is where we are supposed to be.
And if we do look back and say “Wow, if I would have known what I know now, I could have, blah blah blah.”
No! You were not supposed to know anything except where you were at that time. How can you be expected to know what you don’t know?  You were in stage 1: Unconsciously Incompetent..
You’re meant to do the best you can with where you are at the moment. Honor yourself as you go through your journey, one step, one chapter, one stage at a time.
Celebrate each stage of awareness. You will begin to see that where you are right now, may not have fit too well into your life 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 1 year ago or 1 week ago.
Where you are now is what’s important. How you are relating to what’s happening around you right now is important. This helps you to keep moving forward.

As you evolve, you begin to see things through a different lens. Somethings you may have seen one way, all of a sudden change – it’s as if one morning, you open your eyes and notice wow – now I get it!

Embrace the moment where you are. Get excited when you realize you find yourself in
stage 1: Unconsciously Incompetent – because you know the best is yet to come.

Explore replacing expectation with fascination.

Want to learn more, join Lois’ Thursday Morning Circle. Register   questions? Ask

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt., “Queen of the Shui” Certified Feng Shui and NLP, NAP Practitioner, is the go-to expert when you are ready to receive passionate relationships, a peaceful home, and a life you love. Inspiring people to seek and create new opportunities in their lives, she puts her 10+ years of Feng Shui energy clearing to work to put you the driver’s seat with your relationships and spaces.


New Year – New You- 2021 Here We Come

Are you ready? Are You Ready for This? 2021 Here We Come!

I don’t know about you but come the first of January I am not always ready with my feet planted on the ground to start the new year running. What I have found is I take a lesson from Feng Shui and tap into the wisdom of Chinese New Year.
Chinese Lunar New Year fluctuates depending on the cycles of the lunar calendar, falling somewhere between mid-January to mid-February. I love the traditions and the actions I take to create my fabulous feng shui grounded in positive intentions and actions. This year the lunar new year is February 12, plenty of time to get ready to create a 2021 filled with prosperity, good health and happiness.

I refer to the space I spend the most time as my “living vision board.” This includes my home, my office and even my car!

Take a moment to look around and see what is happening in your space. These past months have been quite the upheaval in how we are all living our daily lives.
What is happening around you is impacting your actions whether you are aware or not.
Your space is having a conversation with your subconscious all the time – get involved in the conversation! Pause and notice how you are feeling where you are spending the most time. Make this a new habit!

Here are a few tips to get you started, I have a combined some of my tried-and-true tips with a few Chinese New Year traditions.

1. Make a Plan – Create the Plan the Works for YOU. Be realistic in your goals, know how your true nature thrives best and go for it.

2. Create Fabulous Firsts: What you see is what you become whether you are conscious of it or not. Notice how you feel, and create all your “Firsts” to feel “Fabulous”

3. The first words you Think when you awake each day: think and feel sweet, positive words that are filled with love and gratitude to set your daily tone.

4. Love it or Lose it: Keep only those objects that make you feel good. Clear out and de-clutter making room for new opportunities coming your way. Whether a drawer, your wallet or a closet, every little bit makes room for a little more.

5. Clean for A Fresh Start – Everything is clear when you can see through your windows, all the light bulbs are working, and you see your beauty reflected in your mirrors. Wash your front door to create a fresh start of how you are seen in the world.

6. A Bouquet of Fresh Flowers -Live blooming flowers represent rebirth and new beginnings. Feel alive by bringing in plants and flowers to inspire you to take action

7. Stock the fridge and cupboards with an abundance of fresh nutritious foods. A colorful fruit bowl connects your vibration to health and wellbeing. Oranges and tangerines represent money and prosperity; Apples symbolize good health and safety.

8. Your Appearance, Your Actions, Your Attitudes, set the tone for the New Year – Create the vibration you want to attract.

9. Have Fun! When you are filled with love and laughter you are unstoppable!

This is just the beginning – get the full scoop how to prepare for the Chinese New Year, areas to boost and which areas in your home and office to stabilize and so much more,
join me for a fun informative webinar Saturday January 16 at 10:00 am – 12 noon.




Gratitude and the 3 Legged Frog

May You Receive Infinite Blessings of Love Peace and Joy Today, Tomorrow and Always.

Thanksgiving reminds me, why wait for a holiday to be grateful, create the feng shui message to feel it every day.
Remember, I have told you that our homes and offices are our living visions boards.

Create the vision you want in your life.

One of my favorite feng shui lessons in gratitude and fortunate blessings talks about the life of a 3 legged frog.

My favorite version of the story goes something like this:
Once upon a time there was a 3 legged frog who found himself at the bottom of a well. Calling out “help me, help me please” with hopes someone would come to his rescue, a passing farmer heard his cries and proceeded to lower the bucket down into the well to retrieve the frog. Once the farmer brought the frog to safety, the farmer smiled and continued on his way.

The next morning the farmer awoke to find gold coins under his pillow, which appeared again every day for the rest of his life. The moral of the story is, when we give without expectation, we are rewarded with infinite fortunate blessings.

Icons are part of Feng Shui symbolism, a popular icon is this 3 legged frog. It is recommended to place this”3 legged frog” in the prosperity/ fortunate blessings corner of your home and you will attract prosperity.
These icons are typically carved in wood or stone and are sitting on a pile of coins with one coin sticking out if its mouth.

*My “prosperity corner” is my “fortunate blessings area”
*Every time I see this area, spend time in the area, I am reminded of my fortunate blessing, which I am grateful.

*Whichever icon I choose to place in this area of my home and my office, it is a reminder for me to give without expectation and to be grateful for all the fortunate blessings I have already received.

What are some icons that connect with your feelings of gratitude and fortunate blessings?

You may resonate with the 3 Legged Frog or find your own story.

I would love to hear from you… please share.

Join me on Friday November 27, 2020 at 10:30 AM EST for a FREE Gratitude Circle:

P.S. Feng Shui Areas associated with Fortunate Blessings: South East OR the Far Left Corner of Your Home
Message me with any questions… Please!