feng shui refrigerator
Clarity is an Inside Job! by Lois Kramer-Perez, C.Ht. Certified NAP,NLP, Feng Shui Pratitioner

It has been quite the experience spending so much time “inside” the past few months.
How much are you aware of the “stuff” surrounding you?

What designates the quality of your stuff?
It is a very personal relationship, this relationship between you and your “stuff”.
Do you love it? Does it make you smile, your heart sing? Does it motivate and inspire?

Or is it clutter?
Clutter can the “stuff” that you see that gives you an uneasy feeling.

Or the “stuff” you find yourself stepping over or twisting your body to get around it.

Clutter is the “stuff” that stops you for “doing.”

Guess what…  there is another kind of clutter – the kind that also affects both your mind and body. The “stuff” that you do not see.

Do you find yourself saying “I don’t like this but I don’t notice it anymore,” or “do you walk into a room and don’t understand why you feel distracted or uneasy?

Or – this one happens to me: I am sitting at my desk and I cannot seem to focus, but everything I can see is in its place.

The truth is just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t distracting you.

Even if you do not see it, or decide not to notice it, there is a part inside of you absorbing everything.
Everything is energy. You may be even more sensitive than you realize.

Feng Shui Principles have proven that your closets, drawers, and storage spaces connect to your subconscious.

Begin exploring the places you find yourself visiting every day:

Your underwear drawer, the bathroom cabinet where your toothbrush and cleansers are stored, the silverware drawer, kitchen dish and cup cabinet, the closet you visit daily and ta-daa – the refrigerator!

I just replaced my refrigerator light bulbs and wow – what a difference, it feels so happy when I open the door.

You have heard me say “Create Fabulous Firsts,” that is my number one Feng Shui tip. This tip includes what you see and what your eyes do not see.

So, the next time you are feeling distracted, and it is not obviously in front of you, begin to explore your hidden places.
Spending just 10 minutes organizing your silverware drawer can do wonders.
I know, it certainly works for me!

OOoooo what a little Feng Shui can do for you!
Clear your space and clear your mind. That’s Fabulous Feng Shui.
Want to discuss this further? Schedule your “discover your shui” call at http://www.callwithlois.com