
feng shui refrigerator
Clarity is an Inside Job! by Lois Kramer-Perez, C.Ht. Certified NAP,NLP, Feng Shui Pratitioner

It has been quite the experience spending so much time “inside” the past few months.
How much are you aware of the “stuff” surrounding you?

What designates the quality of your stuff?
It is a very personal relationship, this relationship between you and your “stuff”.
Do you love it? Does it make you smile, your heart sing? Does it motivate and inspire?

Or is it clutter?
Clutter can the “stuff” that you see that gives you an uneasy feeling.

Or the “stuff” you find yourself stepping over or twisting your body to get around it.

Clutter is the “stuff” that stops you for “doing.”

Guess what…  there is another kind of clutter – the kind that also affects both your mind and body. The “stuff” that you do not see.

Do you find yourself saying “I don’t like this but I don’t notice it anymore,” or “do you walk into a room and don’t understand why you feel distracted or uneasy?

Or – this one happens to me: I am sitting at my desk and I cannot seem to focus, but everything I can see is in its place.

The truth is just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t distracting you.

Even if you do not see it, or decide not to notice it, there is a part inside of you absorbing everything.
Everything is energy. You may be even more sensitive than you realize.

Feng Shui Principles have proven that your closets, drawers, and storage spaces connect to your subconscious.

Begin exploring the places you find yourself visiting every day:

Your underwear drawer, the bathroom cabinet where your toothbrush and cleansers are stored, the silverware drawer, kitchen dish and cup cabinet, the closet you visit daily and ta-daa – the refrigerator!

I just replaced my refrigerator light bulbs and wow – what a difference, it feels so happy when I open the door.

You have heard me say “Create Fabulous Firsts,” that is my number one Feng Shui tip. This tip includes what you see and what your eyes do not see.

So, the next time you are feeling distracted, and it is not obviously in front of you, begin to explore your hidden places.
Spending just 10 minutes organizing your silverware drawer can do wonders.
I know, it certainly works for me!

OOoooo what a little Feng Shui can do for you!
Clear your space and clear your mind. That’s Fabulous Feng Shui.
Want to discuss this further? Schedule your “discover your shui” call at

Don’t Believe A Word I Say ! Find Out For Yourself

“Don’t believe a word I say! Find out for yourself.”
Very wise words from my very wise teacher Eric Dowsett.
I quote Eric all the time, but do I listen to what I am saying?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I tend to view my teachers with a sense of awe ~ I forget they are people too, just like me and you!

This reminds me of one of my favorite stories – you may have heard this:
A newlywed woman was excited to cook her first ham for her husband.
He watched her prepare the ham for the oven observing she cut off both ends of the ham, then placed the ham in the roasting pan.
Her husband asked “why did you cut off the ends?
Wife replied, “that’s how my Mom always did it.”
So they called her Mom, Mom said “that’s how my Mom always did it.”
Next they called Grandma, and
Grandma said “because my pan was too small for the ham!”

A perfect story to remind us to find out for ourselves.

I do my research for the most part, but this is something I didn’t fact check.
I understood that “Mala Beads” or “Prayer Beads” had the same number of beads as “Catholic Rosary Beads.”
Well that is not the case as one of my students recently pointed out.

My research findings:
Mala Beads have 108, 27 4 times with a spacer between each 27 and large “guru bead” at the bottom with a tassel.
Mala Beads are used to count “Mantras” in “Japa Meditation” (Reciting Meditation)
“Rosary Beads” have 59 beads made of in sets of ten Hail Mary’s” called “decades’. The “Hail Mary” is said on the ten beads within a decade, while the “Lord’s Prayer” is said on the large bead before each decade and followed by 1 “Glory Be”.
Both Mala Beads and Rosary Beads serve the same purpose, a method to count the words of the mantras or prayers said.

Interesting findings, but most of a reminder to do your own research.
Follow up and find out what is right for you.. Don’t believe a word I say!

Pause, Breathe, and Now What?
Pause, Breathe, Play.
Sometimes the stage is set for us.
What can we do when circumstances are out of our control?
Go with the flow? Let it go?
Hmmm..  sometimes we do resist.  and that famous saying is “what we resist persists”
When we are stressed and someone says “Relax” – do we?
I don’t!
It has to come from within, it has to be our choice.
Create a new model.
Decide to Pause, when needed or when that is the best choice.
Choice. Decide to Choose.
How Do We Begin?

Our bodies respond to information based on what it knows, for instance – if we feel the emotion of anxiety, our body will recall the chemicals that support that feeling, the more we confirm the feeling of anxiety – the stronger the support becomes.  Now we are going to begin to change our relationship to how we notice and respond to these feeling. We move from “reaction” to “responding”

We feel the effects of charges of information we pick up all the time, as we “react” to a thought, it connects with our emotions, our body has a memory of how it reacts to these feelings, chemicals which support that feeling are sent rushing through our body, this our typical “reaction.” We then believe that We Are that feeling, we are frustrated, or we are angry, and then we begin to “judge” ourselves & how we are feeling, which only strengthens these feelings, creating distraction,

We begin, becoming aware, we pay attention and notice when we begin to feel a strong emotion – before we “react” and decide we are angry, upset, distracted by these “negative thoughts”, begin to redirect ourselves.

First: Notice the feeling that arises and how your body is responding – do not judge it, become aware that this is just information, it is not who you are, it doesn’t define you, you are not that feeling.

Acknowledge you have felt this feeling before, and will feel it again in your lifetime, but it is not who you are, it will not overwhelm you,

Second: Redirect your thoughts: Replace the thought supporting that feeling with something positive: such as: This feeling dealing with “x” feels like frustration, but I am not frustrated, that was just information as to how my body was responding to this situation, now that this is done, I feel relieved, clear and grounded, all of those distractions from this situation are gone. I am focused, I feel positive, I am refreshed, I am abundant.

We can create the state we can choose to become.
We practice our new power and state of being.
Practice Choosing.
Practice Being.

Play! Enjoy Life ~Because we can!

If you would like to hear more about this empowering tool, contact Lois at  she would love to set up a call to to tell you more.


Mercury, Metal, You and Me ~ Look UP – We Are Perfect Together

Welcome Autumn, as we transition into Autumn September 22, Mercury goes direct. What does this mean? These past few weeks, living in the energy of Mercury in Retrograde, we may have felt; a sense of moving backwards, unfinished business, issues from the past coming forward in the present. There may have been mix-ups, miscommunication, misdirection. Some have expressed feeling felt lost, feeling down, or the sense of those feelings around us.

Good news! As we say goodbye to retrograde.. we say hello to Autumn. We move into the crisp clear energy of metal, focus, vision and completion. Step into this energy of Autumn, as our vision becomes clear, we are living in high definition.

More good news.. we are in this together. We are here to lift each other up. All we need to do is look up.

When we focus our attention up ~ so does our energy rise.. When we are down, find someone who is looking up, and stand beside them. Smile, and pass that smile on to another. We are all in this together, together we raise each other up…

Can You Feel It? Feng Shui Autumn Energy

Smile Into the Sky ~ Can you feel it?

I love the feeling as the season begins to change.

Feng Shui teaches us autumn is the season of metal element, a time for precision, completion and focus.
Can you feel the autumn energy? Feel the essence of metal.
I look up into the sky now appearing in high definition.
As the humidity evaporates, the air becomes crisp with each new day.
Soon the leaves will begin to turn, drop and their cycle will complete.
We will admire, enjoy and bask in the beauty of the transformation before our eyes.
I am ready for this renewed clarity before me.
I am ready to step into the element of metal to absorb the qualities for my greatest good.
I am inspired to create our Autumn Equinox Immersion Workshop to
Activate Our Third Eye
Now is the time to align to bring clarity to our vision.
Begin your experience now.
Open your awareness to the subtle shifts each day brings.
Be with the element of Mother Nature.
Embody the grace of metal.
Embrace the gifts of our new season
It’s a beautiful day.

Savoring Summer Sunrises

The perfect book for a dream vacation.  Refreshed by the sunrises and the sea, this water girl found focus, clarity and inspiration.

alchemist-on-the-beach“To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation.

All things are one.
And when you want something, all of the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” The Alchemist
by Paul Coelho
Always stay true to your dream ,
enjoy the journey, learn with every step,
and it is so.
Savor your sunrise and sunsets.
Savor your summer joys, peace and inspiration.
Embrace the gifts of each new sunrise,
It’s a beautiful day.


Riding the Energy of Autumn




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 “We are what we think,
All that we are arises in our thoughts,
With our thought we make our world” The Buddha

It is a common thread from science to spirituality that our thoughts and feelings are so powerful that we can manifest our hearts desires. In order to make our desires manifest and be sustainable, we need to activate all senses as we rehearse our desired future.

How we direct our thoughts is the key. Let us begin by aligning with the seasons.

Moving into the season of autumn- a contracting energy of completion, a time of vision and focus – it is the perfect time to create our visions to rehearse our future. We begin connecting to our subconscious redirecting our thoughts. We can choose how we respond to what we feel; we can choose how we respond to what we notice.

First we become aware.  

Second we notice.

Third we choose.

We may not control all of the things that happen in our life, but we do control how we choose to respond.  Let’s move from reacting to responding. Embrace the energy of this time of focus and vision. Connect to the clarity of mind this autumn season offers.

Our vision is clear; we are aware without distraction, notice what we feel.
Take a breath, notice the feeling, redirect a feeling of chaos or distraction to a feeling of focus, peace and calm. Here is a simple method to begin, practice focusing on your breath.

Take deep a breath in through your nose; follow your breath as it comes into your body, as it fills up your chest, your abdomen. Feel your body expanding. Smile.

As you exhale through your mouth, follow your breath as if leaves your body, relaxing into yourself, releasing. Smile.

Notice how you feel at that moment. This is just the beginning.




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Stay tuned for our next step, how we can continue to redirect, tools we can use to create our visions to rehearse our future.