Surfing in My Living Room – My New Normal of Mind Body Care Connection by Lois Kramer-Perez CHt

I have had lots of conversations with friends, family, clients, and colleagues regarding the current state of our world during this COVID-19 situation. The emotions vary from anger, frustration to relief and a new sense of peace.

While you cannot control what is happening around you, you can control your choices and how you respond rather than react.

Create your new normal with healthy choices – fill yourself up with beneficial energy.

I have had many conversations where people are finding time to nourish themselves with activities they used to just think about, such as:  regular meditation, reading time, exercise and creative time: art, writing, music, dance.

What gift have you given to yourself during these past few months?

Take the good stuff with you! Leave the gunk behind!

I am not interested much in traditional exercise – but I am finding I sit way too much at my desk typing and zooming!  I took out my “simply fit board” which I bought after watching an episode of Shark Tank and proceeded to twist my way to surfing the waves of Hawaii! Not only did I get a good physical work out, my imagination had fun too!
I will be taking my “simply fit board” out of my isolation time with me. 

What beneficial new behavior will you take to your new way of living?

Is there something else you find you want to leave behind?

Make a plan – when you are ready to let go of something – replace it something you choose, otherwise a random choice will be made for you.

Are you putting the needs of others ahead of your own, finding your needs moving further away from the top of your list?  What would happen if you took some time for yourself?

What would happen if you said to your family:
“I am going to take some time for me, see you in 1 hour.”?  

Make a plan, take some time for yourself. Notice how good it feels to feel good.

Your mind body connection helps you care for yourself as you begin noticing how your body is talking to you. What is happening in your mind is directly connected to your body. Your thoughts are constantly sending messages to your body with information. These messages can cause you to; clench your jaws, tighten your shoulders, stiffen your back or cramp your legs, just to name a few. These messages are creating patterns which your body become familiar expressing on automatic pilot. Change your reaction to response when you notice the messages your body is speaking.

Choose to redirect your attention on a regular basis, by becoming aware of your body, noticing how it feels. You will notice when your shoulders are moving up into your ears and when your jaw begins to clench. You know exactly what to do! Take a smiling breath and release that built up tension.

Here are a few simple things to include in your day:
Set your intention for the day before you get out of bed stretch like a cat taking a few deep breaths, smiling as you connect with your intention.

 –Notice how your body feels, set a parameter for noticing how it feels when you are relaxed, focused, and clear, so you can redirect your attention once you notice a physical change.

 –Take two deep breaths every hour, after completing a task, a series of phone calls or as you notice your body tensing. Focus on 2 deep belly breaths, smile, and exhale stress, stiffness, and stress.

Stand up and move, especially when you are sitting for long periods of time. March in place for 20 steps with your arms swinging.

 –Drink lots of fresh pure water, this not only keeps you hydrated, but will nudge your bodies to get up every so often.

Take a 30 second vacation with Lois, you can all find 30 seconds for ourselves, these 30 second videos guide us to take 2 deeps breaths becoming instantly calm and relaxed. Tuesdays 7 PM FREE 30 MINUTE Vacation with Lois Register for Link 

Smile into your breath, your cells will smile right back, and those around us will smile back too.

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt.  Certified Feng Shui, NLP, NAP Practitioner. A catalyst for change, inspiring you to seek and create new possibilities in your life with feng shui for your space and your soul. Get your free “ten-minute tune up” at and for a fun way to redirect your thoughts. Schedule your free discovery your shui call at