Nourish Your Prana

One word brings big inspiration: Prana

Sometimes one word, one thought, one breath, can bring big inspiration.
During this time of Autumn Season Energy, “Prana” feels just right.

Prana is defined as the Sanskrit word for lifeforce or vital principle.
Prana contains all the cosmic energies that permeate the Universe every level.

Prana is another way that we can think about our vital lifeforce, our chi, our energy.  Prana encompasses all that we are and all that we have to gain from the energy around us because it’s not just the human force, it’s in everything and everyone, including inanimate objects.

Prana could be the energy of the environment based on the objects we place there.

Earth Crystals have lifeforce and we know that every crystal has a different energy. Different crystals activate different Chakras, and parts of our personal Prana.
Some crystals are used for healing, for calming, for meditation, for dream state, for awareness, for love, for compassion, for prosperity and many more.

What are your favorite crystals?
Have you noticed how they nourish your Prana?
The next time you get a craving for a particular crystal, explore the properties, you will find your Prana selected the crystal for exactly what you need.

How can you nourish, activate and energize your Prana?

Nourish your Prana by taking time to choose to enrich yourself.
Enhancing your awareness of how you think, the words you say to yourself and the conversations you have with others.

Look around your home, your office, the room you are sitting right now.
What do you see?
How does it make you feel?
Happy, Heavy, Bored, Inspired, Motivated?

Look around again:
What do you love?
What have you decided you are not paying attention to right now?
Everything that surrounds you either nourishes or depletes your Prana.

Why have I chosen “Prana” as the inspiration for this Autumn Season Energy?

Autumn is the time of “metal” energy, refining and clarifying.
Autumn is the time to get focused and all your “ducks in a row” for what it is you desire to sprout in the spring.A wonderful time to nourish your Prana with refined goals that inspire your mind body and soul and generate prosperity.

Why is it important to have clear Prana during this Autumn Season Energy?

Hitch a ride with Mother Nature – she is offering the gift of clarity and refinement.Look into the sky and see how clear and high definition she has refined the clouds in the sky.
Revisit or create your new vision board.
What is your vision for your Prana?
The clearer you are now, in this time of refinement, the more refined will be the seeds you plant for springtime sprouting.
The more refined you are now, stronger your seedlings will grow during your Winter Dreamtime Season of Dreamtime..

This action of refinement now, will enhance everything you do, and continue to nourish your Prana.

Nourish your Prana every morning when you set your tone for the day.

Begin with your affirmations: examples:
“I am healthy, I am clear, I am productive, I am success.”  Create your power.

Nourish your Prana as you prepare for a phone call, a meeting, a conversation, setting your intention with clarity and focus, seeing the positive outcome before it happens.

Nourish your Prana as you create an environment that feels fabulous.

Nourish your Prana as you notice your self-talk and thoughts.

Choose to refine the way you relate to your thoughts and conversation.

Yes, you can do it – if those words are not lifting you, motivating you, nourishing you – change those words.

Nourish your Prana by being clear.
When confusion steps in there is miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Now is the time to team up with Mother Nature to strengthen and nourish your Prana.
Celebrate this Autumn Season Energy with a new sense of high definition clarity.


Want to discuss this further? Schedule a FREE discover your shui call at

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. Certified Feng Shui, NLP, NAP Practitioner. A catalyst for change, inspiring you to seek and create new possibilities in your life with feng shui for your space and your soul. Get your free “ten-minute tune up” at and for a fun way to redirect your thoughts.




