raising your levels of consciousness

Navigating The Stages Consciousness by Lois Kramer-Perez, C.Ht.

I’m so used to taking my shoes off when I come into the house that one day, wearing my slippers, I went outside to check the mail and then I took my slippers off before I came inside, as if I was wearing shoes! It seemed funny that I was so imprinted with the action: enter house – shoes come off. This was so ingrained in how I did things without even thinking about it, that it brought to mind how many things do we do automatically?  How many times do we respond to others automatically without being aware of what we are saying?

When I began this journey, I began noticing how people would acknowledge each other walking through a hallway. I worked in a corporate setting, there were always people passing each other the hallways throughout the day, greeting each other with “Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you?” People would say “Hi, how are you?”, and the response would be: “Hi how are you?”
No one paused to say “Great!” or “Eh!”, The automatic response conversation was: “Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you?”

And I am sure you have experienced this:  stuff happens, and we automatically growl “GRRRRrrr!” or say: “I’m so stupid!”, “ugh! I can’t believe this” or old phrases that we have that are outdated.

This happens. And then there are the times that your routine is disrupted! Every day you get in your car, turn left and get onto Rt 17 North. Then one day, you realize, after you have been driving on Rt 17 North for a minute – yikes –how did I get here – I am going somewhere else today!

It’s as if you were in a trance.

Once you “wake-up” you realize, some of these patterns are keeping you from being present. When you notice you have done something unconsciously, that is the time to begin your shift. This happens in stages.
You become conscious of something and don’t do anything about it.
The next time you notice, you’re a little more aware.

Finally, you think about doing something and choose to do it differently.
Now you are creating a new pattern to be more present.
Your path to consciousness happens in stages.

My “Pal Al” Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.

You are always in a place where you are supposed to be. When you are ready for awareness it comes up to bite you to catch your attention.

Here is a simple way to look at the concept of consciousness.

1.” Unconsciously Incompetent”, you don’t know what you don’t know. Ignorance.
Example: You are a child, and for the first time you see people driving cars. Wow! Look at that! Something I have never seen before.

  1. Consciously Incompetent”: You are aware of something you want to know, something you want to change. Desire.
    Example: You are older, and you are curious, you are aware that you do not know how to drive a car.
  2. Consciously Competent”: You are taking conscious actions to change your state. Example: You are 16 years old and can get your drivers permit. You take driving lessons. Each time you get in the car, you take time to get acclimated, put on your seat belt, start the engine, focus on placing your hands on the wheel, check the mirrors, take a deep breath, and begin to drive. Each action is thoughtful.
  3. 4. “Unconsciously Competent”: You Just Know! It Becomes Second Nature. Knowing. Example: You get in the car and drive.

These are the four stages of becoming aware.
This is happening all the time. It is how we navigate through everything.

We all have our own, unique timetable for our journey and wherever we are is where we are supposed to be.
And if we do look back and say “Wow, if I would have known what I know now, I could have, blah blah blah.”
No! You were not supposed to know anything except where you were at that time. How can you be expected to know what you don’t know?  You were in stage 1: Unconsciously Incompetent..
You’re meant to do the best you can with where you are at the moment. Honor yourself as you go through your journey, one step, one chapter, one stage at a time.
Celebrate each stage of awareness. You will begin to see that where you are right now, may not have fit too well into your life 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 1 year ago or 1 week ago.
Where you are now is what’s important. How you are relating to what’s happening around you right now is important. This helps you to keep moving forward.

As you evolve, you begin to see things through a different lens. Somethings you may have seen one way, all of a sudden change – it’s as if one morning, you open your eyes and notice wow – now I get it!

Embrace the moment where you are. Get excited when you realize you find yourself in
stage 1: Unconsciously Incompetent – because you know the best is yet to come.

Explore replacing expectation with fascination.

Want to learn more, join Lois’ Thursday Morning Circle. Register https://bit.ly/ThursMorningCircles   questions? Ask lois@loiskramerperez.com

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt., “Queen of the Shui” Certified Feng Shui and NLP, NAP Practitioner, is the go-to expert when you are ready to receive passionate relationships, a peaceful home, and a life you love. Inspiring people to seek and create new opportunities in their lives, she puts her 10+ years of Feng Shui energy clearing to work to put you the driver’s seat with your relationships and spaces. www.loiskramerperez.com lois@loiskramerperez.com


What’s The Moon Got To Do With It?

Feeling more emotional lately?
Maybe a bit shaken up?
Lots of chatter is going on about the Big Solar Eclipse New Moon on June 10.
How can you make the most of this, especially while in the midst of Mercury in Retrograde?
Hold on! Nothing to fear..  I have the solution for you.

Let’s begin with the understanding how when mercury goes retrograde you may be experiencing lots of detours and diversions.

Do you find a breakdown in communications, the ability to move forward effortlessly seems to be disrupted? Are you finding yourself drifting into thoughts of relationships or situations from the past? Are people showing up from your past or are you finally recognizing patterns in your life repeating?

Slow down, cultivate your patience and pay attention. The energy around you may find you distracted or disconnected from the present therefore a perfect storm for all kinds of mistakes, disruptions, and detours.

Mercury is retrograde May 29 – June 22…  Knowledge is power. Use this time to see opportunity – rather than disaster.

Now how does this New Moon Eclipse today add to the energy party?

Typically, on a new moon it is a time for manifesting, creating new beginnings and using our divination tools to answer our questions such as tarot cards, I Ching, pendulum, or your personal connection to going deeper with your intuition.

It’s a time we usually charge our crystals.. however: this New Moon Eclipse is unique.

The eclipse of this nature brings an opportunity for all humanity to explore the darkness beneath the surface and choose light.  This New Moon Eclipse brings the energy of communication and alignment for the benefit of all humanity through light and wisdom through the power of love.

You may be experiencing the unrest of the collective, the fear or anger around you.

This does not mean to squash your opinions or ideals, it means to use your power of expression through respect, calmness, and peaceful assertiveness.
This does not mean to stuff your feelings down – it is time to make peace with all your feelings and find healthy ways to use your energy for your greatest good.

Look at what is hiding in the shadows, beneath the surface. These feelings may be seeping out, disguised as frustration:
when you stub your toe or blowing up when you find dirty dishes on the counter.

Now is the time to choose to release those emotions and replace them with your ability to breathe in inner peace and calm.

This New Moon Eclipse during Mercury Retrograde may stir up feelings of inadequacy, confusion, misunderstandings, miscommunications and even feeling paranoid and operating on assumptions. It is wise to act cautiously, be clear, patient, honest and believe in yourself. This is not the time to act impulsively or make rash decisions.  There is a underlying support from this timing to offer courage and the confidence to see beyond the illusion in the darkness which is even more reason to avoid reckless behavior.

Choose the be what you want to see in this world and that is what you will see.

Nourish Your Prana

One word brings big inspiration: Prana

Sometimes one word, one thought, one breath, can bring big inspiration.
During this time of Autumn Season Energy, “Prana” feels just right.

Prana is defined as the Sanskrit word for lifeforce or vital principle.
Prana contains all the cosmic energies that permeate the Universe every level.

Prana is another way that we can think about our vital lifeforce, our chi, our energy.  Prana encompasses all that we are and all that we have to gain from the energy around us because it’s not just the human force, it’s in everything and everyone, including inanimate objects.

Prana could be the energy of the environment based on the objects we place there.

Earth Crystals have lifeforce and we know that every crystal has a different energy. Different crystals activate different Chakras, and parts of our personal Prana.
Some crystals are used for healing, for calming, for meditation, for dream state, for awareness, for love, for compassion, for prosperity and many more.

What are your favorite crystals?
Have you noticed how they nourish your Prana?
The next time you get a craving for a particular crystal, explore the properties, you will find your Prana selected the crystal for exactly what you need.

How can you nourish, activate and energize your Prana?

Nourish your Prana by taking time to choose to enrich yourself.
Enhancing your awareness of how you think, the words you say to yourself and the conversations you have with others.

Look around your home, your office, the room you are sitting right now.
What do you see?
How does it make you feel?
Happy, Heavy, Bored, Inspired, Motivated?

Look around again:
What do you love?
What have you decided you are not paying attention to right now?
Everything that surrounds you either nourishes or depletes your Prana.

Why have I chosen “Prana” as the inspiration for this Autumn Season Energy?

Autumn is the time of “metal” energy, refining and clarifying.
Autumn is the time to get focused and all your “ducks in a row” for what it is you desire to sprout in the spring.A wonderful time to nourish your Prana with refined goals that inspire your mind body and soul and generate prosperity.

Why is it important to have clear Prana during this Autumn Season Energy?

Hitch a ride with Mother Nature – she is offering the gift of clarity and refinement.Look into the sky and see how clear and high definition she has refined the clouds in the sky.
Revisit or create your new vision board.
What is your vision for your Prana?
The clearer you are now, in this time of refinement, the more refined will be the seeds you plant for springtime sprouting.
The more refined you are now, stronger your seedlings will grow during your Winter Dreamtime Season of Dreamtime..

This action of refinement now, will enhance everything you do, and continue to nourish your Prana.

Nourish your Prana every morning when you set your tone for the day.

Begin with your affirmations: examples:
“I am healthy, I am clear, I am productive, I am success.”  Create your power.

Nourish your Prana as you prepare for a phone call, a meeting, a conversation, setting your intention with clarity and focus, seeing the positive outcome before it happens.

Nourish your Prana as you create an environment that feels fabulous.

Nourish your Prana as you notice your self-talk and thoughts.

Choose to refine the way you relate to your thoughts and conversation.

Yes, you can do it – if those words are not lifting you, motivating you, nourishing you – change those words.

Nourish your Prana by being clear.
When confusion steps in there is miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Now is the time to team up with Mother Nature to strengthen and nourish your Prana.
Celebrate this Autumn Season Energy with a new sense of high definition clarity.


Want to discuss this further? Schedule a FREE discover your shui call at www.callwithlois.com

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. Certified Feng Shui, NLP, NAP Practitioner. A catalyst for change, inspiring you to seek and create new possibilities in your life with feng shui for your space and your soul. Get your free “ten-minute tune up” at www.loiskramerperez.com and https://loiskramerperez.com/30-second-vacation-with-lois/ for a fun way to redirect your thoughts.






Surfing in My Living Room – My New Normal of Mind Body Care Connection by Lois Kramer-Perez CHt

I have had lots of conversations with friends, family, clients, and colleagues regarding the current state of our world during this COVID-19 situation. The emotions vary from anger, frustration to relief and a new sense of peace.

While you cannot control what is happening around you, you can control your choices and how you respond rather than react.

Create your new normal with healthy choices – fill yourself up with beneficial energy.

I have had many conversations where people are finding time to nourish themselves with activities they used to just think about, such as:  regular meditation, reading time, exercise and creative time: art, writing, music, dance.

What gift have you given to yourself during these past few months?

Take the good stuff with you! Leave the gunk behind!

I am not interested much in traditional exercise – but I am finding I sit way too much at my desk typing and zooming!  I took out my “simply fit board” which I bought after watching an episode of Shark Tank and proceeded to twist my way to surfing the waves of Hawaii! Not only did I get a good physical work out, my imagination had fun too!
I will be taking my “simply fit board” out of my isolation time with me. 

What beneficial new behavior will you take to your new way of living?

Is there something else you find you want to leave behind?

Make a plan – when you are ready to let go of something – replace it something you choose, otherwise a random choice will be made for you.

Are you putting the needs of others ahead of your own, finding your needs moving further away from the top of your list?  What would happen if you took some time for yourself?

What would happen if you said to your family:
“I am going to take some time for me, see you in 1 hour.”?  

Make a plan, take some time for yourself. Notice how good it feels to feel good.

Your mind body connection helps you care for yourself as you begin noticing how your body is talking to you. What is happening in your mind is directly connected to your body. Your thoughts are constantly sending messages to your body with information. These messages can cause you to; clench your jaws, tighten your shoulders, stiffen your back or cramp your legs, just to name a few. These messages are creating patterns which your body become familiar expressing on automatic pilot. Change your reaction to response when you notice the messages your body is speaking.

Choose to redirect your attention on a regular basis, by becoming aware of your body, noticing how it feels. You will notice when your shoulders are moving up into your ears and when your jaw begins to clench. You know exactly what to do! Take a smiling breath and release that built up tension.

Here are a few simple things to include in your day:
Set your intention for the day before you get out of bed stretch like a cat taking a few deep breaths, smiling as you connect with your intention.

 –Notice how your body feels, set a parameter for noticing how it feels when you are relaxed, focused, and clear, so you can redirect your attention once you notice a physical change.

 –Take two deep breaths every hour, after completing a task, a series of phone calls or as you notice your body tensing. Focus on 2 deep belly breaths, smile, and exhale stress, stiffness, and stress.

Stand up and move, especially when you are sitting for long periods of time. March in place for 20 steps with your arms swinging.

 –Drink lots of fresh pure water, this not only keeps you hydrated, but will nudge your bodies to get up every so often.

Take a 30 second vacation with Lois, you can all find 30 seconds for ourselves, these 30 second videos guide us to take 2 deeps breaths becoming instantly calm and relaxed. Tuesdays 7 PM FREE 30 MINUTE Vacation with Lois Register for Link https://bit.ly/FREE30MinVacation 

Smile into your breath, your cells will smile right back, and those around us will smile back too.

Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt.  Certified Feng Shui, NLP, NAP Practitioner. A catalyst for change, inspiring you to seek and create new possibilities in your life with feng shui for your space and your soul. Get your free “ten-minute tune up” at https://loiskramerperez.com and  https://loiskramerperez.com/30-second-vacation-with-lois/ for a fun way to redirect your thoughts. Schedule your free discovery your shui call at http://www.callwithlois.com



Don’t Believe A Word I Say ! Find Out For Yourself

“Don’t believe a word I say! Find out for yourself.”
Very wise words from my very wise teacher Eric Dowsett.
I quote Eric all the time, but do I listen to what I am saying?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I tend to view my teachers with a sense of awe ~ I forget they are people too, just like me and you!

This reminds me of one of my favorite stories – you may have heard this:
A newlywed woman was excited to cook her first ham for her husband.
He watched her prepare the ham for the oven observing she cut off both ends of the ham, then placed the ham in the roasting pan.
Her husband asked “why did you cut off the ends?
Wife replied, “that’s how my Mom always did it.”
So they called her Mom, Mom said “that’s how my Mom always did it.”
Next they called Grandma, and
Grandma said “because my pan was too small for the ham!”

A perfect story to remind us to find out for ourselves.

I do my research for the most part, but this is something I didn’t fact check.
I understood that “Mala Beads” or “Prayer Beads” had the same number of beads as “Catholic Rosary Beads.”
Well that is not the case as one of my students recently pointed out.

My research findings:
Mala Beads have 108, 27 4 times with a spacer between each 27 and large “guru bead” at the bottom with a tassel.
Mala Beads are used to count “Mantras” in “Japa Meditation” (Reciting Meditation)
“Rosary Beads” have 59 beads made of in sets of ten Hail Mary’s” called “decades’. The “Hail Mary” is said on the ten beads within a decade, while the “Lord’s Prayer” is said on the large bead before each decade and followed by 1 “Glory Be”.
Both Mala Beads and Rosary Beads serve the same purpose, a method to count the words of the mantras or prayers said.

Interesting findings, but most of a reminder to do your own research.
Follow up and find out what is right for you.. Don’t believe a word I say!

“Tra La La I Gaily Sing Because It’s Spring, Because It’s Spring!” Random Thoughts – Or Are They?

“Tra La La I Gaily Sing Because It’s Spring, Because It’s Spring!”

This was the line I had in my 3rd grade school play – my very first time on stage. I can recall the excitement of saying those words as I carried my basket of plastic flowers, skipping along, so proud in my new dress.
I was so happy my Mom bought me the perfect dress- sleeveless, tiny blue and white checks, with a fold over boat neckline and 3 rows of ruffles on the bottom!

How did she find such a perfect dress? I was on top of the world.

As I enjoy this memory, I wonder how it is possible to recall every moment?
I do not have any photos, I never wrote it down, it just seemed to appear.

What triggered this memory?
Could it be that spring was officially a day away?

How often do random thoughts pop into our mind, along with feelings, emotions and all that comes along?
How often do we realize the significance of these random thoughts and connect the feelings that come along with them?

We may not pay any attention at all to those thoughts or recognize the connection.
We may decide that feeling we are claiming is what we are – when in fact it could be a memory triggered by a sound, a scent, a song, a color, a situation that feels so familiar.

How about this?
The next time you get a random thought, pause, notice how it feels and what memory comes to mind.

Some we may love, some not so much, but whatever message we receive is an opportunity to embrace all of who we are and have the potential to be.

Embrace the joy, heal the hurt.

First, we must notice, then the journey begins.

I would love to hear your random thoughts.
Share with me, contact lois

“A Shoe-In or A Shoe-Off! That is the question! A Guide to Awareness
“A Shoe In ~ Or A Shoe Off? That Is The Question”

A Shoe-In or A Shoe-Off! That is the question!

I am sure you have your unique patterns, actions that are automatic, things you do without thinking, day after day, month after month, year after year…

The more you do it, the stronger it becomes.
It happens without a conscious thought.

I’ll share one of my “automatic patterns” ~ I don’t wear “outside shoes” inside my home.
The first thing I do when I come inside is take off my shoes.
I have my slippers waiting, and sometimes just walk barefoot.
For my guests I have a basket of assorted clean and cozy slippers.
The other day, wearing my special “inside” purple slippers, I stepped outside the front door for a moment, a few minutes later, I noticed I was bare-footed!
Without even thinking, because I had stepped outside, when I came in I took off my “shoes.”

We create these automatic patterns all the time.
Think about the things you do, the thoughts you have, the things you say,  without a conscious awareness.

If you created it ~ you can change it!

In the meantime, begin noticing your automatic patterns !
Are they a shoe-in for what you desire?
Or is it time to take the shoe off!!
If you are interested in taking that “outdated shoe off” and replacing it with a “new shoe on ” you can join me at one of my guided clearing meditation classes, my personal clearing class or experience a past life regression.
https://loiskramerperez.com/my-events/     https://loiskramerperez.com/wwm/meditation-class/
Oh yes… I did wear my slippers out to Dunkin Donuts one day ~ another moment being lost in the thoughts