12.12.12 “You’ve Got A Friend”

Music makes my heart sing ~ how about you? What makes your heart sing? As most of you may be familiar with by now, sometimes I get a song in my mind.. that leads me to a theme for my weekly words, or maybe it is a thought or phrase that conjures up a song in my mind… I begin to sing a sentence or two.. usually something silly, and it brings me inspiration. My heart begins to sing.
Music can take us to places, experiences, moments we have felt before.. it can be so real, as if we are there right now. I can sometimes smell it, sense it, feel as though I am transported back in time. The coolest experiences are the ones that go way back!
Well there is something about James Taylor, Sweet Baby James… ahhh Junior High – Andries Hudde in Brooklyn, my friends and I would sing all the time, in the halls at school, at lunchtime we would find a place to sit and sing (on benches in the backyard of a nearby apartment building) – or just sing walking through the streets. These past few days, as thoughts and conversations have taken place, I realize how blessed I am to have such beautiful friends in my life. Friends I see all the time, Friends I speak to on occasion, and Friends who are but a sweet memory. Each and every one is someone special in my heart, and I know, if I ever needed one of them, they would be there, and I hope they feel the same for me. One of the most difficult things I have found in my life, a pattern that I created long ago, is to ask for help. I have been learning to change that pattern over the last 10 years. It is not always something I am comfortable with, receiving, but oh does it feel good knowing, I can reach out and I’ve got a friend. I want ALL my friends, new, old and yet to be, to know, that you have got a friend in me. Sometimes just knowing adds a sense of comfort and security, then all we need to do is just be.
12.12.12 is going to be a powerful day… let’s support each other at 12 noon with our positive energy, compassion and love… There is still time to join the tele-meditation – but whether you can join the meditation or not, take a moment to breathe and connect.. It Will Make A Difference!
You’ve Got A Friend ~

“Breathe, It only takes a moment to take a breath,
It only takes a moment to become inspired”
~ Lois Kramer-Perez

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