Pay It Forward, Reach Out and Touch Somebody’s Heart

I will never forget one of my lessons learned in my Feng Shui Certification course.. We were learning about the life areas connected to the “Bagua” the Map of Our Space.. The very popular area known as “Wealth, Prosperity” was then presented as “Fortunate Blessings” . I was familiar with the notion of placing objects in that area to create wealth, you see before I began my certification course, I bought every book I could find about Feng Shui, my favorites were the colorful books with lots of photos and all kinds of promises to pace things in special areas to generate “happenings”. But books can’t speak to you … and I really resonated with this different perspective of connecting to an experience, Fortunate Blessings..

Give without expectation, Give which you find most precious and you will receive your rewards in abundance.. This says it all…  

So today is about giving – paying it forward. The song which came into my mind –
“Reach Out & Touch Somebody’s Hand” “Make this a better place, Yes! you can”

Smile when you catch someone’s eyes, hold the door, pay for the person behind you in line’s coffee.. be gentle in your thoughts and spirits, reach out and touch someone’s heart today..

” Breathe…It only takes a moment to take a breath, It only takes a moment to become inspired”
~ Lois Kramer-Perez

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